Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Mythic Supers - The Sequel

After picking up a few more Mythic Magazines, I came up with ideas to continue my Supers game. But this time, I'll be adding more heroes and villains to the mix. But don't worry, Vyper is still the star of my story. Consider this either the sequel or the second season, your call.

But first, I recommend Mythic Magazine issues 18 (got some great lists, including powers, background, and actions in combat) and 31 (1 Page Location Crafter and Rules Lite RPG rules). Granted I picked up several issues, but I've currently been reading those two the most.

In addition, I've made a few tweaks to my Supers rules:

1. There will no longer be Level T characters. All characters will be Level 0 or higher. Each level grants 3 Ability Points. An Ability Point can also be spent to gain 3 Skill Points, but characters no longer gain them normally. I figured it'd just be easier that way.

2. When a character gains a number of Hero Tokens equal to their next level, they can make a Fate Check to attempt to level up. 

For example, a Level 1 character, after gaining 2 Hero Tokens (whether spent or not), can perform a check. The Resisted Rank (or Difficulty) is equal to the next level, and also you can only move up 1 level at a time. So for our Level 1 character, her roll would be -2 or Very Unlikely. However she can spend Hero Tokens to increase her chances. If she fails, she has to wait until she again gains the needed number of Hero Tokens. At least that's the plan. We'll see how it goes.

This means Vyper's stats have been tweaked to the following:

Vyper:  Level 2 Hero. aka Mason Dean.

Body: 0, Agility: 0, Mind: +1, Talk: +2, Heart: +3.

Powers: Force Field Manipulation. This includes flight, invisibility, shield, and attack.

Hero Tokens: 2.

Hopefully this works out, and the more I play games and read the magazines, the more ideas I might get and modify things as I go. I'm also always open to other ideas and suggestions.

That's it for now. This was a short one so I could get into the fun part; game play. Last time, someone stole a device that Charles Willard had used to give people powers. When I wrote it, I had no idea of the person's identity or plans. 

But now I do!

I feel like this is much less jumbled than before

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