Monday, September 5, 2016

Insanity Rules - Lovecraft Revenge messes with your mind!

I mentioned before that Lovecraft Revenge features Insanity rules that mess with both your characters' heads and your own.  Now I'll show you how it works.  In most roleplaying games, your game master would tell you what you experience and what is happening to you if you were insane.  Sometimes your character would just run away screaming, and other times, he'd dissolve into a mindless stupor.  Or maybe, your Game Master would tell you what your characters see or experience.

As with other titles from Two Hour Wargames, Lovecraft's Revenge doesn't use a game master.  You and your friends can all play together without anyone running the game.  So how then does this game mess with your perceptions if no one's running it?  Through the use of dice roll combinations and simple tables, Lovecraft Revenge alters entire events as you play them, sometimes changing the actions around you, and sometimes revealing that your character actually did something unexpected.

Want some examples?

Officers Conner and Rig face off against a duo of Deep Ones in an alley.  Both are shaken at the sight of these two monstrosities, but Conner more so.  As Rigg steps forward with his shotgun, Conner pulls out his pistol and fires.  He hears a thunk, but the deep one he was aiming at continues forward.  How can that be?

Then he blinks and sees his partner lying on the ground with a bullet in his back and realizes he had pointed his pistol at his partner the entire time.  Oops.

Example # 2:

The ghost-hunting team of Lewis and Carl explore an old mansion.  Entering one room, they notice a glowing mirror on the wall.  Both make Sanity checks.  Lewis passes; Carl doesn't.

Later, while exploring a hallway, they come upon a door that's barely cracked open.  As they step closer, they begin to hear sounds of growling and something scratching at the door from the other side.

Both men take off running down the hallway, or at least they believe they did . . .

However, when Lewis spins around, he sees his partner had actually turned right into the room.  Lewis freezes in terror as he hears screaming and gnashing of teeth, and then sees a pool of blood emerge from the room.

And here's a new look on a previous example:

Rena is being chased by a wolf-life creature.  Spotting a cabin, she races to it and bursts through the doorway.

She slams the door but finds no lock.  Panicking, her eyes dart around the room until she spots a large chest against the wall.  Taking a Physical Challenge, she pushes the chest with all her might until it blocks the door.  Exhausted, she turns . . .

And she sees the chest still resting against the wall, where she had found it.  It never moved.  This realization strikes Rena as the door behind her slowly opens.

Lovecraft's Revenge is coming soon from Two Hour Wargames.  More news to come so keep your eyes open . . . if you still trust them, that is!  And I'm sure those spectral fingers resting on your shoulder as you read this are just your imagination . . .