Monday, May 20, 2024

Aftermath - Mythic and Lego Star Wars #2

 Kha-sa wandered through the arena, completely stumped by what he saw and heard, or rather by what he didn't see or hear. What remained of his brothers were clumps or body parts and robes. Before Palpatine's throne, he only found burnt marks on the ground. Smoke still rose from parts of the throne, and the entire room held a charred odor. 

Footsteps broke the silence, and Kha-sa turned. "Snoke."

Snoke approached him, but his arms were in normal condition, so this was a different clone. "You survived, Sith cult brother."

"I was outside the arena. What happened?"

Snoke stared at the throne. "The Jedi defeated Palpatine and escaped. I shall seek revenge for us."

"Revenge?" Kha-sa tilted his head to the side. "This was a trial between the Jedi and the Sith and the Jedi won. If the trial ended, there is no need for revenge, only rebuilding."

Snoke smirked. "You misheard me, petty one. Revenge shall be solely mine!" Holding out his hand. He lifted Kha-sa into the air, while the young cultist gripped his own throat.

Before this fight begins, I need stats for this Snoke clone.

(Q)  Is Snoke Level 1?  (Likely)  No.

So he's level 0.

(Q)  Is his Force +1?  (Likely)  X-Yes.

(Q)  Is his Think +1?  (Likely)  No.

(Q)  Is his Talk a 0 (Likely)  Yes.

So we have -2 Do, 0 Think, 0 Talk, +2 Force. He's deadly against Kha-sa when using his powers but not to much in physical combat.

Also, from the previous post, Kha-sa gained 2 Saga Points, 1 for helping Snoke and the other for winning his clash against Nek-Va.

This first Clash is Snoke lifting and choking Kha-sa, who's just trying to survive.

(Clash)  Does Kha-sa win the Clash?  (+1 Think vs. +2 Force = Unlikely)  Yes.

Controlling his mind and wriggling with all his strength, Kha-sa managed to break free. Collapsing to the ground, he gasped for air.

Snoke circled him. "This is just the beginning, petty one."

Kha'sa managed to speak again. "Why are you doing this? I'm no threat to you."

"I require strength," Snoke answered. "By destroying you and any others in my path, I shall gather enough to become invincible."

"Seriously?" Kha-sa reached his feet. "What kind of lunatic attacks random foes just to get stronger?"

(Clash)  Does Kha-sa win the Clash?  (+1 vs. +2 = Unlikely)  No, Random Event.

(Event)  "Control, Danger."

Kha-sa suffers -1 RS.

Kha-sa tried to escape, but Snoke used the Force to lift a rock. It slammed into Kha-sa, knocking him into the ground. Rising to all fours, he felt his head ringing.

Kha-sa needs something to help him fight. Maybe he can locate a weapon.

(Ability)  Does Kha-sa find a weapon to use?  (+1 vs. Unlikely = 50/50)  X-Yes.

The Exceptional result, I'm interpreting as a weapon with +1 Damage.

Fingers searching the ground, Kha-sa frantically tried to locate something to help him. Then he found it, a spear, or the remains of one. Rolling to a sitting position, he forced himself to his feet as Snoke approached him.

"No more games," said the clone. "Once I snap your neck, I can move on."

I'm using both of his Saga Points here for combat.

(Clash)  Does Kha-sa win the Clash?  (+2 Do, -1 RS, +2 SP vs. +2 Force = Likely)  X-Yes.

+2 Damage vs. -2 Toughness means a roll for Incapacity.

(Incapacity)  Is Snoke Incapacitated?  (Very Likely)  Yes.

As Snoke approached him, Kha-sa gathered all his strength and hurled the spear. It struck Snoke right in the chest, and the clone howled in agony before crumpling to the ground. 

But the effort caused Kha-sa to fall back as well. Collapsing against the throne, he saw images;

The rotted Palptine regaining his body.

Palpatine hurling lighting at the stars.

Palpatine hurling lightning at the Jedi.

The Jedi using a laser sword to reflect the lightning back.

Palpatine crying out as the lightning disintegrated him.

Ceaseless fury over generations twisting into infinite terror in a matter of seconds.

I want Kha-sa to eventually gain the Force, so falling into the spot where Palpatine died and possibly absorbing some darkside energy would do the trick. The real challenge will be using it without turning to the darkside.

Shuddering, Kha-sa regained his feet. The arena suddenly chilled him to his bones. 

Rushing through the tunnels, he sought a way to escape. Finally stopping before some statues, he found himself rising as the lift brought him to the planet's surface.

Kha-sa kept his eyes, however, on his own feet. Feeling the dread now inside, he couldn't bring himself to view the faces of the statues.

Finally, a breeze struck him, and he saw he had reached the surface., but still under the floating megalith above. Walking as fast as his legs could carry him, he slipped past the darkness and now found himself in the open. He continued walking, not risking any look back, until a new shadow fell on him.

A ship stood before him. Looking around, Kha-sa noticed no one else in the area, so he climbed up and into the craft. Searching the cockpit, he found a flight manual and read through it.

This would explain his +1 Think, despite being a scientist. He picks up new skills quickly but has yet to master any.

Since he has a manual, I'm putting the Diffculty in learning to fly at +1.

(Ability)  Does Kha'sa learn to fly the ship?  (+1 Think vs. +1 Diff = 50/50)  No, Random Event.

(Event)  "Positive, Deceit."

Kha-sa struggled to understand the manual, which he found strange because he thought he recognized the language. Then he realized he was holding it upside down. Turning it the correct way, he tried again.

(Ability)  Does he fly the ship?  (50/50)  Yes.

This time, he understood the language. Following the instructions, he flipped the switches and turned the dial. The cockpit closed and the ship slowly hovered just inches above the ground. Kha-sa then pivoted the ship so it faced upward. 

He expected it to takes it time climbing into the sky. Instead, it shot up like lightning, shrieking like some terrified animal.

And Kha-sa screamed along with it.

Since Kha-sa has gained 3 SPs, I'm going to see if he levels up.

(Q)  Does Kha'sa Level up?  (+2 Diff = Very Unlikely)  No.

So, not yet, but he did gain another SP so he's back to +1.

I'm also altering his name to Casa to show that he's leaving that life behind.

Now I just have to figure out where he'll go next.

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