Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Lovecraft's Revenge - taking THW to new levels of horror!

The time for terror has arrived!  

Lovecraft's Revenge is the newest game from Two Hour Wargames that takes you through the mind of horror writer HP Lovecraft.  Think you've played other THW and can handle horror games?  Ready for a surprise or two?

While Lovecraft's Revenge uses rules from Two Hour Wargames, it is not just another THW title.  Nearly every rule and table has been tweaked to fit right in the the atmosphere of the game.

For those unfamiliar with Two Hour Wargames, THW titles are all designed to be played without a dungeon or game master.  And while you can play the games head-to-head, you can also play them solitaire and with everyone on the same team.

Lovecraft's Revenge takes it a step further.  Instead of a game master throwing tentacled horrors at you, everything you face in this game is generated by the game itself, based on random dice rolls, your group's actions, and those actions of non-player characters.  That's right; NPC's can actually influence your game!  A bookstore clerk reading a passage from an obscure book could summon monsters right then and there.  A group of soldiers arriving just in time could save your day, or make it worse.

That's where the title comes from.  After a while, you feel like the game is alive and playing itself.  Or maybe Lovecraft himself has returned from the grave to remind you of true horror!

Let's start with a few game play tweaks.  Note though that while we're using maps and miniatures to illustrate game play, you do not need any special figures or boards.  In fact, you can play the entire game with dice, a pencil, some paper, and your imagination.

Felix is on the run from a pack of hungry ghouls.  Instead of performing a Fast Move test that usually exists in THW games, we instead roll for what is called, 'The Chase.'  In The Chase, one or more characters tries to escape from others.  They could escape, get a lead and much-needed breather, or they could get caught.

Oh yeah, there's also this:

In his haste, Felix tripped . . .

 . . . and became dinner.  Moral of the story, no matter what's chasing you, watch your step!

Here's another example:

While investigating a basement, Bret discovers it leads to a cave, and is ambushed by a Sand Dweller.  Pulling out his pistol, he aims and pulls the trigger.


He doesn't even get a shot off before the creature lurches forward and . . . well, let's just say it isn't a pretty sight!

In this example, the two officers search a warehouse when they hear a noise around the corner (The d6 represents the unknown element, also called a PEF or Possible Enemy Force).  This is usually either nothing at all, your mind playing tricks on you, or someone or something else.

This time, however, they find a mutilated body and nervously begin searching for whatever caused this.  At times, in your games, your characters will find dead bodies, and sometimes, you'll also find what killed them.  Hopefully, they'll at least give you a fighting chance.

And finally, there's magic.

Magic in Lovecraft's Revenge represents any unconventional ranged attacks.  These could be a Mi-Go's ray gun, a creature's ability to stun you with just a glance, or a witch's collection of spells.

And speaking of spells, your characters might also find ancient tomes with a rather colorful assortment of them.  Use at your own risk!

In addition, we've tweaked magical effects a bit.  Now the effects might differ depending on the power of the caster.  In the above picture, a cultist throws a ball of fire at the police but only hits one officer.

However this ball of fire becomes an enormous explosion, incinerating everything in and around the building, when cast by something much larger with tentacles . . .

This is just a sneak peak of Lovecraft's Revenge, coming soon from Two Hour Wargames.  Keep your eyes open for more previews in the near future.

Oh, and be careful about those ancient books.  Who knows what glibbering, tentacled, terrors that appear!


  1. Mwuaa,ha,ha-Ha,ha,ha!!!! Can't wait for this supplement! Linked your post on The Blackstar Chronicles

  2. Did the same on both my blogs :

    Now where did I put that chainsaw? lol

  3. Thanks! And if you can't find your chainsaw, there's always dynamite!

    1. Oh yeah keep that right under my copy of the Necronomicon......)
