Monday, March 23, 2015


I was using this to try out an encounter for my above-ground Two Hour Dungeon Crawl rules.  The encounter takes the place of a normal meeting in a tavern or other location and simulates the behaviors of non-players.  For the sake of simplicity though, I'm not using class attributes, only Rep and races, and only humans (1-4) or dwarves (5-6) appear.

My two characters (both stars):

Ibash Urskul - Human Rep 5 (Fighter).  Giant Hammer 2H.

Yugo Thudd - Dwarf Rep 5 (Rogue).  Sling shot (2 Imp).

Ibash enters turn 1.  Yugo enters turn 5.

Ibash Urskul entered the Bloody Oak Tavern to find a small group already involved in their own activities.  As he approached the bar, he was greeted by the bartender, a tall, fit woman, whose smile betrayed the fact that she could tear your arm off.

T-La - Human female Rep 4.  Adventurer/Law, friendly.

"Morning, Bash," she said.  "The usual?"

Bash nodded and she sent a mug his way.  Taking a drink, Bash noted the two patrons already seated at the bar beside him.  A pale-skin man with a sword attached to his back, and another strong woman, though noticeably shorter, and armed with twin blades that hung from her belt.

Crys:  Human Male Rep 3.  Adv, friendly with 3.  1H sword.
Dawn:  Human female Rep 3, Adven, friendly with 5.  two 1h swords.

In the corner sat a short man with a ring of dark hair around his head who was leaning on his staff, watching the group.  

Nom:  Human Male.  Rep 5.  Trade/Crim.  Unfriendly with 1.  Armed with staff (2H weapon).

Next to Bash, the woman slammed her mug on the table.  "Got anything stronger?"

(Talk the talk:  T-La 1 - 4 Dawn.  Pass 1d6 on Hostility table:  verbal only).

"Yeah," T-La said, rolling her eyes, "poison."

Dawn smirked and placed some coins on the counter.  "Then more of this . . . please."

Crys and Bash watched the display with amusement.  

Bash then turned to Dawn.  "So what's your poison?"  (3-2 Bash on Talk test)

"Crimson ale," she said, "yours?"

"Female blacksmiths," he answered, drawing a smile from the woman.

"Speaking of blacksmiths," Crys said, flashing T-La what he thought was a charming smile, "how are you with a blade?"  (Talk test:  3-1 T-La)

"Well enough to make your head fly across the room," she said.  

 No one seemed to notice Nom, who subtly strolled behind Bash.

"I'm guessing you like to quest for shinies," the man said, tapping Bash on the shoulder with his staff.  "I can show you some gems just like the one I own here  Just look at the glow from this emerald."

(Talk the talk:  Bash passes 4-1.  Pass 2d6 on Hostility table.)

"It's fake, friend," Bash replied, not even looking back.  "Emeralds aren't purple."

Nom shrugged.  "Suit yourself, friend."

As he turned away, Bash turned and caught his shoulder.  "And I'd like my wallet back. please"

(IS check:  tie)

Nom suddenly swung his staff, but Bash blocked it and pushed the smaller man away.  

(Since Crys is friendly with Nom, I then had him attack Dawn.)

Dawn leaped to her feat and pulled her blades out, but Crys already had his out, jabbed into the woman's back.  "I wouldn't do that, sweetie."

(IS check - tie.  Activation - heroes go first).

Dawn swung around, knocking the man's blade aside and jamming the other under his chin.  "You really want to try that, bright eyes?"

T-La  then jumped the bar, her own weapon out.  "Back away, sir," she said to Crys.

T-La swung her weapon but missed.  Dawn struck at Crys, but her evaded.  Meanwhile, Bash attacked Nom and the two ended up even.  

(Turn 5.  Yugo Thudd enters.)

Suddenly a rock flew by Nom's head (Crisis test:  pass 2d6), and a dwarf entered, armed with a sling. 
"That's my friend you're threatening, bald one."

Nom suddenly swung his staff, barely missing Yugo's skull (Star Dice).  But he forgot about Bash, who brought his hammer over his head and down onto Nom's (5 Impact, rolled a 1).

(Man down test for Crys - pass 2d6).

Crys took advantage of the sound to send his blade into Dawn's chest.  Clutching the counter, she dropped her sword and collapsed (OOF).

(Crisis test for T-La:  passed 2d6)

T-La tried to flank Crys, but he evaded the attack and smashed the hilt of his blade into her skull,  She stumbled back (hurt +1), shaking her head to clear it.

Bash then lunged forward, taking Crys completely by surprise with an overhead swipe.  Crys barely avoided the attack, which took a chunk of skin off his shoulder (Hurt +1).

Countering with a low kick, Crys tried to stab his new opponent, but Bash slipped to the side, the blade finding his hip but nothing more (Star dice turned dead result into hurt +1).

T-La joined in the fight again, but Crys sliced her across the chest, and she fell to the floor (OOF).

Enraged that his favorite bartender was injured, Bash swung his hammer, but Crys blocked it with his blade.  Unfortunately, this put his back completely to Yugo, who sent a rock crashing into his skull.  Bash leaped aside as Crys tumbled forward, his chin hitting the bar top as he fell (OOF).

Afterwards, the two tended to T-La and Dawn.

T-La was on her feet pretty fast (Pass 2d6 on Recovery table), and as guards dragged Nom and Crys's bodies out, she yelled, "Empty their pockets!  They're paying for the damages!  And return Bash's wallet!"  She then turned to Yugo and Bash, who were kneeling over Dawn.  "How is she?"

(Pass 1d6 on Recovery table).  "She's lost quite some blood," Yugo said.  "She might live, hopefully."

"I know some friends who can help her," she replied.  "What about you two?"

"We're fine," said Bash, "but I think we need to train more if we has this much trouble with two thugs."

(Rolled to raise Rep.  Failed for both.)

"First," Yugo said, "can I get that drink you owe me?  That's why I came here in the first place."


  1. Hmm, reminds me of a pub I used to go to.... Especially the bit where the friend comes in late wanting me to buy him a pint ;-) Nice write up, thanks.

  2. Thanks! This one worked better than my first play test. In that one, by the time I got to the building, there were 4 bodies lying on the ground and one person clinging to the counter top for life. I tweaked the Hostility Table after that.
