Friday, February 20, 2015

Corey Orlando, and the quest for a grade

Here's my latest adventure with my newest character. I rolled her up at random, got Acadamia/Female, and decided to make her a student. This is what I ended up with:

Corey Orlando: Rep 5; Hard as Nails, Steely Eyed (rolled at random). Shaker - student.

Anyway, on to the adventure . . .

Monday morning, Corey was meeting her Humanities instructor about her paper that was due. Because of the previous night's adventure (i.e. she was part of a zombie paintball game), Corey forgot to complete her assignment and now was in danger of failing. Not wanting to repeat such a boring course, she asked her instructor if there was any way to make up the grade. He answered in fact there was. Either she could A.)search the city for a rare book called, 'The Trembel Tribe Legend,' or B.) she could meet said instructor in his office for 'private tutoring.' Knowing exactly what he meant by the latter, Corey opted to find the book.

Dejectedly, he sent her to a used bookstore on the west side (Item), and Corey was on her way. Unfortunately, a traffic accident blocked the road, forcing her to search for another path (easy challenge). Spotting a nearby alley, she darted through and entered the store.

Inside, she met a reporter (PEF), who told her he had seen some people dressed up in some weird costumes. Approaching the counter, she asked the clerk if he had seen the book, and he claimed he had. However, he had recently sold it. As she started to leave, Corey ran into some kid (street urchin).

Kid: "Hey lady-"
Corey: "Lady? I'm not much older than you."
Kid: "Whatever. I don't know nothin, but the person who bought the book dropped this receipt."
Corey: "So you know more than 'nothin.'"
Kid: "Hey, you want this or not? 10 bucks!"
Corey: "5."
Kid: "8."
Corey: "6."
Kid: "7."
Corey: "5, and I won't tell the cops about what you swiped when that person 'dropped' that receipt.'
Kid (panicking): "Sold. So how did you know I swiped the watch?"
Corey: "You just told me."

(Next scene: Item) On the back of the receipt was an address. Since it wasn't far (still middle Met), she took off immediately (No travel encounters).

A few minutes later, she entered another book shop where the clerk (Civilian, service) mentioned that he indeed had bought the book. Returning his watch and receipt, Corey asked for the book, but the clerk claimed he had sold it to some rich woman (trophy wife). Since she was well known, Corey set off to look for her.

(Travel encounter: none). Next scene - person

After passing a greeting random people and bolting across 4 lanes of traffic (Terrain challenge: Hazard - Passed.), Corey arrived at a bank, where the woman, Lydia St. John, wife to multimillionaire August St. John, was being interviewed by a reporter (PEF) about being recently robbed. When Corey questioned her, she claimed the persons were dressed in strange clothing, and she saw them run north (lower side - met map).

(As this was my final clue, I rolled up Native as my BB).

Racing down the street, Corey noticed men in tribal clothing entering a warehouse. As she approached though, she heard a, 'Whoosh' sound and ducked just as a dart hit the wall above her head (PEF resolved as 2 natives, who won IS). Spinning, she saw two natives nearby, one with a blowgun. The other raised his spear and charged. He struck at her with his spear, but she ducked and kicked his feet our from under him before stomping him in the face. Then she grabbed her shotgun (which had been slung over her shoulder) and shot the other.

She got to the warehouse but the door was locked (obstacle - puzzle). Using techniques she learned from a lock-picking class, she bypassed the old lock with little trouble. Entering the warehouse, she walked into 2 natives and their chief.
Chief: "What are you doing here?"
Corey: "I'm here for the book."
Chief: "You can't have it. It makes us look bad. It even said we're cannibals. We should sue!"
Corey: "And what are those teeth around your neck from?"
Chief: "Um, tourist shop? Shark teeth? Oh **** it! Get her!"

(The natives won IS again, but all attacks missed Corey. And to make matters worse, they won Activation.)

The chief lunged toward Corey and stabbed at her with his spear, but she ducked and slammed the butt of her gun into his temple (-1 Rep). The second native fired his blowgun but missed, and the third lunged toward her with spear in hand, but she shot him. Training her gun on the chief (the natives rolled too high to activate), she fired and dropped the chief with a shot to the chest. The remaining native leaped behind a table and fired again but missed. aiming, Corey dropped the final native with a shot to the shoulder, then approached the fallen chief, who was still barely conscious.

Corey: "Where's the book?"
Chief: (weakly pointing to a chest in the corner.) "Why you need it so bad?"
Corey: "My grade's riding on it!"

The police showed up and arrested the natives, noting that the group had terrorized that part of town for several weeks. They offered Corey a reward, but all she wanted was the book. Returning to her instructor, she gave him the book and he offered her a C, stating he'd be willing to raise her grade to a B or A, depending on how 'willing' she was. To his disappointment, she opted for the C and went home. On her way, she remembered that because she was busy searching for the book, she had forgotten to complete her assignment for another class.

The things some people do for a grade . . .

(Rolling afterward, I raised her Rep to a 6.)