Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Walking Down the Street - Mythic and Writing - Trial Run

 November every year is Nation Novel Writing Month, where you have 30 days to write a 50,000 word novel. The challenge was set up by Chris Baty and his friends decades ago to encourage budding authors to write the book of their dreams. The idea is that, by writing at such a frantic pace, you don't have time for self-doubt or procrastination. No editing, just a mad dash from beginning to end.

I've participated every year since 2017, but this year I'm trying something a little different. Instead of planning a story ahead (and I use the term 'plan' loosely as I'm at my best when I don't know everything about my story), I'm going to use Mythic to help me create my story. I'll have an incredibly basic starting scene, but after that, I'm at the mercy of the little numbered cubes and all their spite.

In addition to Mythic, I'll be using a roleplaying game called the Great American Novel. In the game, you're a character in a book trying to get to the end of the story, going through all the adventures and such, for good or bad. Hopefully, your Novelist (the game's equivalent to Dungeon or Game Master) isn't a fan of Newbery Medal stories (where favorite characters die horribly). You can find GAM here:

Now I'll be using the idea of GAM for my story for NaNo, though Mythic will be my main source for structure and rules. Mythic has a ton of awesome material for running games, and I plan to use as man as I can in November, including quick character generation, puzzles, and plot twists. Half my NaNo project will be rolling and interpretation while the other half will be my writing the story itself.

First though, I'm going to run a trial game, just to get the hang of this. This is only a single scene, like a short story, and it has no impact on November's project. I'll only be using 2 sets of rule tables: 1 Page Mythic and 1 Page Location Crafter.

The Location Crafter is great because for each location you enter, you roll 3 times, possibly generating an element for a Character, Location, or Object. Treating the locations as Scenes, I can treat each Element as the beginning, middle, and ending of the scene. This isn't set in stone though; if 2 elements work better together, I'll put them together.

I'll also make 3 rolls when creating each character. The first will be gender (Odd = Male, Even = Female). The second, on 1 Page Mythic will be on the Discovery Action table and the third will be on the Discovery Meaning table. If I'm still lost, I'll ask questions, but in general, gender and 2 Descriptors will be all I have for each character. Finally, for name, I'll just open my Baby Name book to a random page and pick the first name I point to. I'll just use first names for the moment.

My scene or rather story begins with a character walking down the street. That's it. That's all I have to work with. Let's see what happens.

But first, let's create my Main Character. I numbered each roll to keep it easy to understand. 

Name: Deante Mills (Okay, I'll use surnames for MCs)

1. Gender = Odd = Male.

2. Descriptor #1: "Deceit," "Goals."

3. Descriptor #2: "Light," "Powerful."

Sounds like he's a corrupt businessman. Guess I'm writing this from the villain's POV. I can work with that. Now we'll go to the Location Crafter (technically a Scene Crafter for this). I roll once on the Area Elements table and twice on the Descriptors table. This will generate our first Element.

First Element: Encounter Descriptor; "Clue," "Dangerous."

(Q)  Is he being stalked? (Likely)  X-No.

(Q) Is it a clue about a rival company?  (50/50)  No.

(Q)  Are the police on to him?  (Likely)  Yes (Random Event); "Burden," "Start."

Sounds like someone from the company just handed him info about the police being after him. Sounds like we need a new character.

Crystal (Female)

"Fears," "Surprise;"  "Old," "New."

Deante Mills left his condo that morning and strolled down the sidewalk towards his high-rise company in the distance. The morning was crisp and cool, especially with Deante knowing he'd walk into his office, seeing his company's stock jump several points over the weekend. Sure a few thousand underlings would be required to vacate, but they were just numbers on a sheet of paper to Deante, a sheet of paper that also included a million dollar bonus overnight.

A few minutes into his walk, and his secretary appeared. The woman, just out of her teens, tended to dress in clothing so conservative, she'd fit into a picture decades old. With a long dress and her hair in a bun, she appeared ready for retirement if you didn't see her face. 

Racing towards him, she shoved a piece of paper into his hands. "Mr. Mills, you need to see this."

Deante stared at the paper. "What am I look at, Crystal?"

"The records on the Briary account," Crystal answered. "Somehow it got out."

Deante lifted his eyes to to the young woman before him. "You were supposed to shred those documents on Friday."

"I know, and I did," she replied, tears making her makeup run down her cheeks. "At least I thought I did. But this morning, some police officers approached me, asking me about this. I told them I couldn't reach, but now they're headed for your condo."

(Q)  Was Deante staying at a 'friend's' condo?  (Very Likely)  Yes.

Glancing back to the building behind him, Deante breathed a sigh of relief. The police didn't know about Madison. That worked in his favor, for the moment.

(Detail)  What was the illegal activity?  "PC, "Uncertain."

(Q)  Did Deante steal someone else's identity?  (Very Likely)  Yes.

(Q)  Did he do so just for the account itself?  (Very Likely)  Yes.

(Q)  Do the police have an idea what happened?  (Likely)  Yes.

Deante again glanced at the paper. When Wilson Briary passed last year, Deante assumed his persona, hiding away in the office and performing transaction after transaction. After some time, he began to slowly transfer the company, piece by piece, to his own control. Last Friday, he had completed the entire transfer, performing it under the Briary Account. All paper trails were to be destroyed, but somehow this got out.

"What did they seem to know?" he asked, not looking up from the paper.

"Too much!" Crystal's voice trembled. "They know the papers were signed after Briary died, not before, and they think it's you but they don't have enough proof yet.

(Q)  Did the police seize anything from the company?  (Very Unlikely)  No.

"Did they take anything?" he asked, while already working on backup plans.

Crystal shook her head. "They didn't have a warrant or anything. They just asked questions. I said I didn't know anything."

Deante nodded. "Go back and see if anything else got out somehow. I'm going to make a few phone calls." 

So that was all the first element.

Second Element:  Object; "Fortunate," "Lonely."

(Q)  Is Deante married?  (Likely)  Yes.

(Q)  Is Madison married?  (Very Unlikely)  No.

Deante returned to Madison's condo to find it empty. On the coffee table he found a note:


I need to figure some things out. You've been saying you were going to leave your wife for weeks, but you never do. I'm using my vacation time to stay with some friends for a week. When I get back, we'll talk some more. Hopefully that gives you time to make a decision.


(Q)  Is Deante upset?  (Unlikely)  Yes.

(Q)  Does Madison know about the Briary Account?  (50/50)  Yes. 

(Q)  Did she have anything to do with it?  (50/50)  Yes.

Crumpling up the note, Deante sat on the couch and sighed. He did not need this right now. Not only was Madison his emotional release, but she had helped him with the signatures. Would she sell him out to save her own skin after everything he did for her?  At least if she was out of town, she might not know about the police. But he could still use some support right now.

Third Element:  Object; "Personal," "Ready."

(Q)  Are there police cars driving outside?  (Likely)  No.

(Q)  Did he leave a suitcase at her condo?  (Likely)  No.

(Q)  Did she pack his things in one of her suitcases?  (Likely)  No.

(Q)  Does he have a plane ticket?  (Likely)  Yes.

(Q)  Does he have a bank account elsewhere?  (Likely)  No.

(Q)  Does he have actual funds hidden somewhere?  (Very Likely because, Work with me here!)  X-Yes.

(Q)  Out of state?  (Likely)  X-No.

Hearing a siren, Deante leaped to his feet. Glancing out the window, he noticed it was just a firetruck going down the street. With a sigh, he stuck his hands in his pocket and his fingers found a piece of paper. Pulling it out, he found a plane ticket. Of course! With his new bonus, he was going to take a vacation, but with this new revelation, he might be better off lying low for a bit. 

Remember his funds which he had hidden in record crates in a storage box, he turned and headed for the door. The crates held enough money that he could hide away for several weeks or months. He'd just phone his wife and Crystal and tell them he would be going away for business. Since he never arrived at the company that morning, it might look like he never knew about the investigation and it was just a wild coincidence. While away though, he could plan his way out and whom to throw to the police to save himself. Maybe Crystal, maybe Madison, or perhaps someone else. For now though, he had some work to do.

And there we have it. I started with a character walking down the street and ended with a corrupt businessman fleeing the police. Out of curiosity, I plugged my story into a word counter and got the following:

Total words: 1689

Narrative: 777

Not bad for a start. My plan was for each session to be at least 500 words narrative so that works. I didn't perform any Challenges or Clashes because I didn't see a spot for them. Maybe if this were the actual novel, I'd roll for Deante coming up with a plan and later eluding police. If he succeeded, then I'd gain a Plot Coupon that would allow me to modify a plot point in the future.

I'll probably perform more of these in the future to get everything worked out, but for now I'm happy. I got a pretty coherent story from just two basic sets of rules.  

Wait till I add Plot Twists!

Thursday, August 17, 2023

The Rematch - Mythic Supers Game

Zapman entered the room with Elden to find the woman he had met before, only she was wearing what looked like work-out pants and a tank top, but both were dark gray with silver lines throughout.

"You've already met Lena Sharp," Elden said. "It seems she got into a little trouble with the police just as you did."

Lena snorted. "I was arrested for saving people. I hate bullies."

Elden smiled. "And now you'll have your chance." He motioned to her. "Now, Miss Sharp is already in impressive shape, but this suit will make you even stronger, as it amplifies your physical abilities."

Lena walked over to a set of weights and lifted them easily.

"I've also added a few other ways to aid you," he continued. "Using electromagnets, you can fly and turn invisible for short periods, though the suit does need to recharge if used continuously."

When I first rolled for a description of Lena's new identity, I got "Natural" and "Strong." I figured this meant a mud woman. However, when I rolled for powers, I got "Flight" and "Illusion." The latter made sense since mud can camouflage, but flight seemed more difficulty. Finally, I decided just to go with a suit that made her stronger and allowed her to hide and fly; sort of a mix between Vyper and Mr. Flex, but without any ranged attacks, though those can appear later. I'm still working on a villain identity though.

Her current stats are:

Lena Sharp

Level 1 Villain

Body: +2, Mind: -1.

Skills: Flight, Invisibility (Escape: +3, Effect: +3).

Lena is street-smart but a high school drop-out. She got into trouble when dealing with certain people in her life. Later, she got arrested for helping people who were being oppressed. Now she's out for revenge, still on a quest to help those she feels are in need. She just doesn't let pesky things like laws get in her way.

"You wanted to see me?" Ransom entered the room, with Drab behind him.

Elden brightened. "Ah yes, my young lad, come closer. Reaching into a large drawer, he brought out a case, set it on a table, and opened it.

Ransom looked. "A sword?"

"Oh more than a sword," said Elden, proudly. "This will launch electromagnetic pulses in all direction, knocking down those that aren't close to you." When the other three looked at him, he shrugged. "What can I say? I was on an electromagnetic kick." He pointed to the handle. "It's tied to your fingerprints and your pulse. Just squeeze the handle, and the more intense you are, the deadlier the blast."

Ransom frowned. "I don't know." He held his club and stared down at it. "I feel Julia is all I need."

Elden looked up. "Julia?"

Ransom shrugged. "When I hold my club, that name feels me with warmth."

Drab stepped forward, placing her hand softly on Ransom's shoulder. "We're not making you choose, dear. Bring them both with you; Julia for when enemies are close and the sword for other times."

Sheathing his club, Ransom nodded and lifted the sword, examining it. "I don't have a name for it yet."

"Give it time," said Elden, "I'm sure you'll think of something."

"Until then," said Drab, "let's give you all a second test. Pick a street and block traffic, that should lure out the hero, I mean, the villains for you to face them."

"I'm going to have to sit this one out," said Zapman, bending his knee. "I sprained something last time."

Ransom smiled. "Fear not, my wizard friend. I shall fight for us both." He turned to Lena. "Will you join me milady?"

Lena grinned, punching the palm of her hand. "I'm eager to give this a shot. Just know I'm not some damsel in distress, okay? You're not even my type."

"If you mean romantically, worry not," Ransom replied. "He touched the handle of his club. "I remember little, but I feel my heart belongs elsewhere."

"Then let us set off." Ransom massaged his jaw. "I owe that ogre plenty."

Oh yeah, I leveled up Ransom from his previous scene, giving him +3 Heart from his sword.

"We have a problem," Mr. Flex said to the two women before him. "I just received word that the guy in armor from before is blocking traffic on Oak Street, and he's joined by some female who's helping him."

Brenda looked around. "Where's Vyper?"

"He said something about looking for journals in some cabin in the hills," Stella replied. "We're on our own for this one."

Unfortunately, I have to sit this one out was well," said Brenda. "I have a meeting at the school. Mr. Stanse is helping me explain to them what happened."

Flex nodded. "We can handle it. "Let's suit up."

This time, I left Vyper and Zapman out to allow the newcomers a chance to shine. I also changed my mind and left out Brenda so it's an even 2 on 2.

Cars and trucks beeped their horns as Ransom and Lena stood in the road.

One truck driver honked his horn. "Move it, sweety!"

"Sweety?" Lena walked over to the truck and grabbed the bumper.

(Q)  Is the Difficulty to flip the truck +3?  (Likely)  Yes.

So it's Lena's +2 vs. the truck's +3.

(Ability)  Does Lena flip the truck?  (-1 means Unlikely)  Yes.

With one hand on the bumper, Lena reached down with her other hand and grabbed the undercarriage of the truck. Standing up straight, she flipped the truck, sending it flipping over. The truck driver crawled out of the truck. As he slowly stumbled to his feet, Lena approached him.

(Q)  Does the driver have all 0's for stats?  (Likely)  Yes.

(Clash)  Does Lena win the Clash?  (+2 means Very Likely)  X-Yes.

With the X result, he falls to -3 CS.

(Incapacity)  Is he incapacitated?  (Certain)  X-Yes.

Kicking the man in the ribs, she placed his face against her shoulder and dropped to the ground. There was a cracking sound, and he rolled into a ball with blood coming down his face. (Yes it's a wrestling move, and no I don't care if it's realistic or not).

 There was a car door opening, and Mr. Flex jumped out. "Hey, why don't you pick on someone your own-" He then saw her.

"My own size?" Lena stood tall. "You volunteering, handsome?"

Ransom joined her side. "That ogre belongs to me."

Muse then leaped out, landing next to Flex. "Ready for Round 2?"

Walking around the cars, Brenda nervously stood ready, with her shaking fists up. "I don't suppose you'd run, would you?"

Ransom held up his club. "I'll not flee this battle." He pointed it at Flex. "The time of your fall begins now!"

Brenda risked a glance back. "What's with this ogre stuff?"

Flex shook his head. "I have no idea."

In this Clash, Muse and Flex will face Ransom and Lena, with Brenda's Toughness hopefully protecting her friends.

For the heroes, Flex has +3 Body, and gains +1 thanks to Muse.

For the villains, Ransom also has +3, and also gains +1 thanks to Lena.

So it's an even fight. I'll figure out what happens afterward.

(Clash)  Do the heroes win the Clash?  (50/50)  No, but close.

Muse held her arms out wide. "You think you can face all of us." A number of clones of her and Flex appeared beside them."

Lena smirked. "I only have to hit one of you." Walking right up to Muse, she punched her square in the face.

Muse fell backwards, crashing into the hood of a car.

"Muse!" Flex turned to look at her.

Seizing the opportunity, Ransom swung his club, smashing Flex over the skull. Flex tumbled to the ground, groaning. 

"I so awaited this moment, fiend!" Ransom spit at the other man.

(Clash)  Do the heroes win the Clash?  (-1 means Unlikely)  Yes.

Both Ransom and Lena suffer -1 CS.

With a roar, Flex hit Ransom with a tackle, smashing him into the flipped truck. He then followed with several punches.

Lena started forward but ran right into a brick wall. As she fell to the ground, she glanced over and saw Muse waving her fingers and smirking.

This time, Flex will try and take Ransom's Club, so it's effect instead of Damage. I'll have Muse do the same by confusing Lena.

 (Clash)  Do the heroes win the Clash?  (Back to 50/50)  X-Yes.

Since there's no damage, I'm just treating the X result as a definite victory.

Lena stood up but found herself surrounded by a metal wall. She reached out but her knuckles struck a cold, hard surface.

Flex meanwhile, ripped the club out of Ransom's hands. "Let's see how you fight without your toy."

Flex is going to try and break the club.

(Q)  Is the Difficulty +1 (Likely)  Yes.

(Ability)  Does Flex break the club?  (+3 vs. +1 = +2 or Very Likely)  Yes.

Holding the club up, Flex brought it down over his knee, breaking it in half.

"No!" Ransom lunged forward, catching the pieces as the found to the ground.

Flex stood over him. "Are we done now?"

"Julia," was all the man could utter, with his voice breaking. He then grabbed his sword and held it read, slowly reaching his feet. "You'll pay for your sins." 

Lena backed away as Flex and Muse watched him, confused.

This next Clash will be Ransom versus Flex and Muse. Ransom will be performing Damage while Flex and Muse will attempt to Escape once they realize the threat. 

Flex is currently at +2, gaining +1 from Muse for +3 total.

Ransom will be on his own, using his +3 Heart.

(Clash)  Do the heroes win the Clash?  (50/50)  No.

Flex is down to -2. Muse is down to -3.

(Incapacity)  Is Muse incapacitated?  (Certain)  Yes, Random Event.

(Event)  "Create," "Surprise."

With a roar, Ransom held up his sword. A glowing pulse launched from it, leveling any nearby cars, and sending Flex and Muse flying. As Muse lay unconscious on the ground, several police cars approached.

"We've made our point." Lena grabbed Ransom's arm. "Let's go."

"Fine then." Ransom reattached his sword to his back and picked up the pieces of his club. Glaring at Flex, who tended to Muse, he jabbed a finger. "Next time, ogre, I'll bury you until you burn!"

The two escaped as Flex got Muse into an ambulance and taken away.

Back at the labs, Ransom sat before the fireplace, watching the remains of his club burn.

Lena sat next to him as Drab, Zapman, and Elden sat nearby.

"I failed you, Julia," Ransom said, "but not again. I swear it."

"I'm sorry," Lena said. "We'll get them next time."

Ransom stared silently at the fireplace for several moments before speaking again. "Now is the time to look forward." He lifted the sword and glanced down at it. "I now know the name of my weapon." His eyes narrowed as he again looked at the fireplace. "Judgment."

Sunday, August 13, 2023

First Showdown - Mythic Supers Game

 When we last left our villains, Zapman and Ransom the Knight Helm, they were blockaded by police while awaiting the Agency. Now it's time for the heroes to appear.

(Q)  Does the scene play out as expected?  Yes.

Black trucks pulled up behind the police cars, with Mr. Plex, Bubble Girl, and Muse getting out. Vyper meanwhile flew in and landed next to them.

Vyper looked to Zapman. "I see you've got a new friend."

Zapman snorted. "Four on two, huh? Doesn't seem fair."

"The prizefight ends," said Vyper, "when people get hurt."

Zapman gestured to Ransom and pointed to Flex. You get the big guy.

As Random approached Flex, Zapman tried a sneak-attack with his zap bolts.

Seeing this, however, Bubble Girl leaped between him and her new friends.

I'll start with an Ability roll for Brenda. Since Zapman's Agility is +1, that makes Brenda's roll a -1.  

(Ability) Does Brenda block the zap bolts?  (-1 means Unlikely)  No.

Brenda wasn't fast enough and the bolts fired straight at Vyper and Muse.

This next roll will be a Clash. However, I'm making the first round Damage for Zapman but Escape (avoiding injury) for Vyper and Muse. Zapman has Heart +4. Vyper has Heart +3, with +1 from Muse, for +4 total.

(Clash)  Does Zapman win the Clash?  (50/50)  No, but barely.

Vyper managed to deflect the bolts with a force field, protecting himself and Muse.

"Thanks," Muse, said. 

"I can't do that and attack him at the same time," Vyper replied.

Brenda looked around, and then pointed. "The police cars!"

"They're not allowed to interfere," Muse said. 

"No," Brenda replied, "if we stand on them, it should block the lightning. It worked on Transformers."

Muse blinked. "Which movie?"

"One of the cartoons," Brenda picked a car and climbed on it.

"Beast Wars?" Muse asked, also climbing on a car.

Brenda glared at her. "When did they have cars in Beast Wars?"

"Is this a conversation we need to have right now?" Vyper floated onto a car. "Besides, it was the original cartoon."

Now I'll admit, I don't know if this would really work. However, considering this game includes people with force fields, lightning, and portals, I'll shrug off reality just a bit. But I am sure if it'll work.

(Q)  Will the cars provide +3 protection from Zapman's bolts?  (Very Likely)  Yes.

"Stand behind me," Brenda said. "Between me and the cars, he shouldn't be able to hurt us."

Vyper then readied a bolt of his own, while Muse lifted her fingers.

I'm not counting Brenda in the Clash itself, only Toughness, along with the car's protection. So again it's Vyper/Muse against Zapman.

(Clash) Do the heroes win the Clash?  (50/50)  X-Yes.

Zapman suffers -1 RS.

Zapman fired a series of zap bolts at the heroes, but Brenda blocked them with her body. And while she covered up and screamed, they bounced harmlessly off of her. Muse then hurled an illusionary bowling ball. Zapman dodged it, but Vyper's force field bolt struck him right in the chest, knocking him off his feet.

(Q)  Does Zapman continue to fight normally? (Unlikely)  X-No.

"Live to fight another day, Knighty! Let's go!" Remembering the punk who had crawled away earlier, Zapman turned and ran back into the building. (That's called Improvisational Foreshadowing. I took something that happened previously, build off of it, and made it look like I planned it all along 😜).

I split this into 2 separate fights, since I figured Flex and Ransom would be doing their own thing in a slugfest. Assume this took place about the same time.

"You there," said Ransom as he approached.

"Who are you?" Flex asked.

Ransom pointed his club at him. "You are an honor-less cretin, and I, Ransom the Knight Helm, shall bring you honor, even if I must bludgeon you with it."

Flex eyed his weapon. "So, a club, huh?"

"We knights are forbidden from drawing blood, save for solely the most severe of times." Ransom circled him.

Flex started to circle as well. "But won't you draw blood if you bash my skull in?"

Ransom paused, his mouth open for a moment, then he raised his club. "Enough talk. I'll not allow you to break my focus with your chatter."

 Flex has Body +3. Ransom has Body +1, but Melee +2 for +3 total. So they're tied.

(Clash)  Does Flex win the Clash?  (50/50)  No.

This means Flex suffers a -1 RS.

Ransom swung his club overhand. Rushing forward, Flex caught the other man's arms to prevent him from swing. However, Ransom still managed to move, and he slammed the handle of his weapon right between Flex's eyes. Releasing his opponent, Flex shook his head to clear it.

(Clash)  Does Flex win the Clash?  (-1 means Unlikely)  Yes, Random Event.

(Event)  "Positive," "Emotions."

Now, Ransom suffers a -1 RS.

"Do you yield?" asked Ransom.

"You're good," said Flex. Then he grinned. "I love a challenge."

Ransom rushed forward again, but this time, Flex wrapped his arms completely around his opponent and tossed him through the air.. Ransom fell to the ground, rolling onto all fours.

Flex slowly, cautiously approached him. "Do You yield?"

(Q)  Does Ransom continue to fight?  (I'm not counting the -1 because of his pride so 50/50)  Yes.

Ransom narrowed his eyes and rose to his feet. "I'll not yield to an ogre with no honor?"

"Ogre?" Flex scoffed. "You're no elf either, buddy."

Ransom growled. "Enough!"

(Clash)  Does Flex win the Clash?  (50/50)  No.

Flex suffers another -1 RS.

Ransom lunged forward. Flex tried to flip him, but the club struck him across the back of his right shoulder and he fell to one knee.

(Clash)  Does Flex win this Clash?  (-1 means Unlikely)  Yes.

Ransom suffers another -1 to RS.

 Gritting his teeth, Flex swung an uppercut with his other fist, hitting Ransom right in the jaw, and making him stumble back.

Next hit could decide the winner, but first, let's see if this is where Zapman flees.

(Q)  Did Zapman flee yet?  (Likely)  Yes.

(Q)  Does Ransom flee?  (50/50 because I really don't know)  X-No.

"Live to fight another day, Knighty!" Zapman called out to him. "Let's go!"

But Ransom shook his head and faced Flex. "You fight well, for a bugbear."

"You fight well too," replied Flex, "for one almost with honor."

"You imply I have none?" With a roar, Ransom swung his club again.

(Clash)  Does Flex win the Clash?  (50/50)  Yes.

This brings Ransom to -3.

(Incapacity)  Is Ransom incapacitated?  (+3 means Nearly Certain)  No.

(Q)  Does Ransom flee?  (Very Likely)  X-Yes.

Flex ducked the attack. Lifting Ransom onto his shoulders, he tossed him again. Ransom landed square on his back, groaning. As he looked up, he noticed his opponent's three friends had joined him.

"Had enough?" Flex asked.

"This isn't over, fiend," said Ransom. "I swear to you our paths shall cross again, and when they do I'll show less restraint."

"Restraint?" Flex blinked. "You call that restraint."

But instead of answering, Ransom slammed his club repeatedly into the nearby column. As the overhang began to cave in, he rushed into the building while the heroes jumped out of the way.

As the smoke cleared, the heroes brushed themselves off and looked around.

"Anyone hurt?" Brenda asked.

"I'm going to need some ice," Flex said, "but I'll live. That guy's nuts."

Vyper shook his head. "They both are."

Sometime later . . . 

Zapman and Ransom returned to the lab. Zapman helped the other, who used his club as a makeshift cane, into the main lab, where Drab and Elden waited.

Drab crossed her arms. "Well?"

"I apologize, milady," Ransom said. "They outnumbered us, yet we fought with all our hearts."

"Why didn't you just hit them with lightning," Drab asked, "or whatever it is you do?"

"They used the cars as cover," Zapman said. "I guess the tires saved them."

"Ah, from Transformers." Elden nodded. "I'm surprised that actually worked."

"Well no matter," said Drab. Turning, she led them to one of the offices. "The fact that you were outnumbered but still returned on your own power is a win. Elden is working on a little surprise for Ransom here. Aren't you, dear?"

"What? Oh yes!" Pushing past a smirking Drab, Elden grabbed some papers from the office desk and showed it to Zapman and Ransom. I should have this finished for you shortly."

Ransom looked over it. "I don't understand."

"Think of it," said Elden, "as a 'Hero's Gift,' to vanquish the evil out there."

"We also put your friend through the machine," Drab said to Zapman.

"What happened?" Zapman asked.

Drab lifted a hand, gesturing down the hallway. "Why don't you see for yourself."

(What are Drab and Elden referring to? It's a surprise . . . meaning I don't know 100% yet, but I will, maybe.)

Thursday, August 10, 2023

A New Threat - Mythic Supers Game

 "Do we even know who he is?" Drab asked.

Elden handed her a wallet. "Here's his ID." 

Drab opened it and looked at the ID. "But he doesn't remember a thing?"

Elden shook his head. "When he first awoke, he saw what he had been wearing and assumed it was his identiy."

"I see." Drab nodded. "Let's speak with him."

They entered the room where the man lay on the bed. "For what reason am I in this place?" he asked.

Drab glanced over at the medieval armor the young man had worn before facing him again. "You were struck in the head by - "

"By the gods," Elden chimed in. "They sent you to us so that we could bestow upon you a new quest, as our kingdom needs a new protector."

Drab raised an eyebrow to Elden but allowed him to speak.

"I remember nothing," the young man said.

"It seems," continued Elden, "that the gods were slightly overzealous in their methods. Your memories shall return soon. Until then, I can tell you you're known as," he paused for a moment, "Ransom. You are Ransom, the Knight Helm." He then patted his chest. "I am Elden of Resk and this is our noble leader, Lady Mallory of Drab."

The young man slowly sat up, and then he got off the bed and knelt before the two. Drab's eyes went wide, and Elden rushed forward. 

"Here, keep this sheet around you. Your clothes are over there." He pointed to the man's armor. 

Holding the sheet around him, Ransom walked over to the clothing and armor. He lifted the metal chest piece. "I have memory of this, my time in serving the good people." He then glanced over, picking up a t-shirt and pair of pants. "These were my underclothing?"

"Correct," said Elden. "Apparently the people of your kingdom wore exotic colors and designs."

Ransom shrugged. "I have no memory of my kingdom."

"Then I propose a deal." Drab stepped forward. "You help us defend the 'good people' and we'll help you find your home."

Ransom nodded. "You have my word."

"Then we'll leave you to dress." Drab turned to usher Elden out of the room, but not before taking one last peak.

A few minutes later, Ransom emerged from the room in full armor. "I am ready for my quest."

"Good," said Drab. "I need you to take care of some punks."

"Punks?" Ransom looked between her and Elden. "I know nothing of this word."

With a sigh, Drab looked to Elden.

Elden thought quickly. "Some former mercenaries violated a deal with us, causing untold harm to our kingdom. We need you to deal with them."

"Hoodlums without honor, I will find them." Ransom lifted his weapon, a long and narrow smooth club.

"What's that?" Drab asked.

"My arms," Ransom said. He swung it a few times, up, down, and diagonally, and he smiled. "I remember this as well."

"But don't knights fight with swords?" asked Drab.

Ransom shook his head. "I remember a pact made by my people to never shed blood unless absolutely necessary."

"And a very good pact that is," said Elden. "Now these hoodlums hide in a type of cave, but you'll know them from the yellow sash they wear on their arms."

Ransom nodded. "I will find them."

Just then, Zapman entered the hallway. "This is the new recruit?"

"Who are you?" Ransom asked.

"This," Endlen said, "is Zapman, a wizard who uses his magic to aid those in need."

"What are you - " Zapman started to say before Drab elbowed him.

Ransom held up his hand. "Well then, Zapman, presumably of the mystical tower, I am Ransom the Knight Helm."

Zapman looked at the other two and then accepted his hand. "Right."

"Zapman here will help you locate the hoodlums," said Elden.

Ransom raised his club. "Then let us be off!"

"In a moment," said Drab. "Ransom, dear, please go outside. We'll meet you there."

After Ransom left, Drab turned to Elden. "Knight Helm?"

"I'm guessing it's the company that made his armor," Elden replied.

"Can someone explain what's going on?" Zapman asked.

Drab gestured. "This is your show, my friend."

"Right." Elden paused to collect his thoughts. "That young man was cosplaying as a medieval knight when he got struck in the head by a meteorite. He survived thanks to my work by he lost most of his memory. When he woke up, he thought he was actually a knight, and somehow he retained any previous skills."

"And we want to see if those skill will come in handy to us," Drab added. "Take him where you had the gangs fight and set him loose."

"And if the heroes appear?" Zapman asked.

Drab smirked. "Then, dear, that's where you come in."

Zapman smiled. "I think I can play a wizard for a bit.

As Zapman walked away, Drab turned to Elden. "How does he not draw blood if he hits someone in the skull?"

Elden shrugged. "Maybe it's a loophole."

So that's my build-up. Knight Helm was once a hero in another superhero game I played. In that version, he was a medieval warrior sent forward in time to our era. but I thought an amnesiac believing he's a knight would work better. Also, I also thought making him a villain, at least for now, would be a fun twist. The name, btw, came from an old airplane magazine, though I don't remember what it was.

Now we should probably give Ransom some stats. As a lvlv 1 villain, he has 3 Ability points.

Body: +1, Agility +1, Mind -1 (because of his injury).

Skills: Melee +2, Toughness +1.

Now I'm a little iffy about the damage of his club, whether it's +1 RS or +2 RS, so I'm going to make it a Fate question.

(Q)  Is the club's Damage +1?  (Very Likely)  Yes.

So +1 RS for a total of 2 for dmg with his club. Fair enough.

I'm also increasing his Toughness to +2 because of his armor.

The scene: Knight Helm and Zapman reach the alley.

Does the scene play out normally?  Yes.

(Q)  Are there more than 2 'hoodlums' in the alley?  (Likely)  X-No. Random Event.

(Event)  "Increase," "Emotions."

(Q)  Is the emotion Fear?  (Very Likely)  No.

(Q)  Is it Anger?  (Likely)  No.

(Q)  Are the rest somewhere else for a party or similar?  (Very Likely)  Yes.

Zapman pointed down the alley. "The punks are down there."

Ransom looked. "I only see one of them."

"He'll know where the rest are, I'm sure," Zapman replied.

"Then it will be done." Ransom entered the alley, brandishing his club. "You there, hoodlum."

The young man, who sat with his chair leaning back against a wall, stood up. "Who the hell are you?"

"You broke an oath, and I am here to restore your honor with your life." Ransom started forward.

"What are you talking about?" he asked.

"Confuse me not with your poisoned words!" Ransom stood strong in a battle stance.

(Q)  Does the kid have all 0 stats?  (Nearly Certain)  Yes.

(Q)  Is he armed with a knife?  (Very Likely)  Yes.

The kid pulled out a knife. "Don't threaten me, you clown."

"Insult me not, you cretin!" Ransom held his club in a ready position.

Ransom's total attack stat is +3 versus the kid's 0.

(Clash)  Does Ransom win the Clash?  (+3 means Nearly Certain)  Yes.

The damage is +3, which is 3 higher than the kid's Toughness of 0, giving him a -2 RS.

(Q)  Does the kid surrender? (Very Likely)  Yes.

Ransom swung his club, slamming into the kid's arms. He yelped and dropped his knife. Shaking, he held up his hands.

"Please, stop!"

"Where are the rest of your group?" Ransom asked.

(Q)  Does the kid tell Ransom?  (Very Likely)  Yes.

"The abandoned hardware store on eighth and Jefferson," the boy answered.

Ransom nodded. "Now flee this realm and never return."

After the kid ran away, Zapman appeared. "What'd he say?"

"A hard store of wares on an eight and Son of Jeffers," Ransom struggled to understand.

Zapman nodded. "I know that place. Let's go."

Sometime, later, they found the building and stood outside of it.

(Q)  Is the scene normal?  Yes.

"Here we are." Zapman said. As Ransom started forward, Zapman stopped him. "Let's see what we're facing first." They approached the window.

I'm using a Mind check for if they can see everyone. They both have 0 mind, but since they're both looking, I'll give them a +1.

(Ability) Do they see everyone in the building?  (+1 means Likely)  Yes.

(Q)  Are there more than 2 hoodlums?  (Very Likely)  Yes.

(Q)  More than 3?  (likely)  Yes.

(Q)  More than 4?  (50/50)  Yes.

(Q)  More than 5?  (Unlikely)  No.

(Q)  Do they all have all 0 stats?  (Near Certain)  No.

(Q)  Do they have a leader with strong combat stats?  (Very Likely)  Yes.

(Q)  Does he fight melee?  (Likely)  No.

(Q)  Is his Agility +1?  (Likely)  X-No Random Event.

(Event)  "Burden," "Expectation."

(Q)  Is he using a pistol?  (Very Likely)  Yes.

I'm interpreting that as the leader having +1 Body but -1 Agility. However, he'll be pulling a sneak attack, granting him a total of +1 with his pistol.

Ransom kicked the door opened and charged into the room, where he saw the four gang members throwing a party. "You broke a sacred oath, and now you must pay."

Zapman entered beside him. "Remember me, boys?"

The four spun around. "It's the wacko that made us fight!" one of them shouted. 

Pulling out knives, they approached Zapman and Ransom.

Just as he raised his fingers, Zapman heard a click behind him.

Ransom will be again using his club, with a +3 melee. Zapman will help him by trying to zap people, granting him a +4 total. The leader has a +1 with his pistol, and with +3 from his allies, for a total of +4. Yes, I know he has 4 allies, but according to Clash rules, it maxes at +3.

(Clash)  Do Ransom and Zapman win the Clash?  (50/50)  X-Yes.

(Dmg)  Ransom's dmg is +3, but with +1 because Zapman is aiding him, totaling +4. This causes all 5 to have -1 RS initially, -1 RS from the Exceptional result, and a further -1 RS for the 3 point difference. All 5 have -3 RS which means a roll to see if they stay conscious.

(Incapacity)  Does he character get Incapacitated? (Certain for all):

Leader: Yes, Random Event; "Start," "Conclude."

Hoodlum 1: Yes.

2: Yes.

3: Yes, Random Event; "Uncertain," "Expectations."

4: Yes.

5: Yes.

Zapman spun around and caught the leader hard in the chest with a zap bolt. Dropping his gun, the leader doubled over and fell to the ground. Ransom swung his club, catching each other hoodlum in the ribs, shoulders, and legs. They all fell to the ground, groaning, though one of them, whimpering, crawled away. As he heard groaning behind him, Zapman hurled another zap bolt at the leader for good measure.

Standing tall, Zapman addressed any who might still be conscious. "Let this be a lesson. Don't cross the b-, I mean boss."

Turning, they left the building.

(Q)  Do the police arrive?  (50/50)  Yes.

(Q)  Do the police engage?  (Likely)  No, Random Event; "Delay," "Benefit."

(Q)  Does the Agency know what happened?  (Very Likely)  Yes.

Outside, they saw several patrol cars with lights flashing. A number of police officers stood behind their open doors, with guns ready.

"Hold your fire!" ordered one of the officers. "The Agency will take over. Just keep them here."

"Why do they not attack?" asked Ransom.

"They're waiting for something called the Agency," Zapman said.

"What is that?"

"I don't know," Zapman said with a grin, "but this could get fun."

I noticed Zapman has enough Notches to check for a level-up, so I'll check that now.

(Q)  Does Zapman become Level 2?  (50/50)  Yes.

So Zapman's new stats are: (underlined if new):

Body +1, Agility +1, Heart +4.

Power: Zap Bolts.

We'll see how effective his boosts are next time.


Monday, August 7, 2023

The Agency - Mythic Supers Game

 The truck drove through the town, approaching a block with several taller buildings.

"We're about here," said Stanse, as he looked out the window.

"I don't understand," Flex said. "The jail is in the other direction."

"Oh, we're not here to arrest you." Stanse turned to the two. "I mean, the police want to arrest you, but The Agency exists for this very reason."

Flex raised an eyebrow. "The Agency?"

Stanse nodded. "The government, noticing that supers now exist, decided it had two choices; arrest them all or put them under supervision. The latter is why I'm here. I'm in charge of the Agency that Supervises Supers."

"Agency that Supervises Supers." Vyper snorted. "So for short, you call yourselves - "

"The Agency," Stanse said quickly. As the vehicles pulled into a square-shaped, gray-stone parking lot, he pointed. "Here we are." Getting out, he led the two. Unfortunately, we have to start small, so our base is in a little hole in the wall on the bottom floor."

Vyper notice the door with a giant A on it. "So, our base is called the A-Hole?"

"It's called the Basement." Holding the door open, Stanse glared at him. "Where's your mind?"

Vyper stared back evenly. "Wishing I was literally anywhere else."

Flex gestured with his chin. "Come on, my friend, let's at least hear them out."

"Friend?" Vyper turned to him. "We just met, and I'm already regretting it."

"Let's take it inside," Stanse said, "before we attract attention."

They entered the building and found that it seemed much bigger on the inside. Despite seeming like a basement level, it had multiple rooms all connected by a grid of hallways. 

"I'll get right to the point," Stanse said as he led them through the main hallway. "Vyper, you've still got a warrant for your arrest from the last time you were in action. Mr. Flex, you now have one as well."

"Me?" Flex looked between the two. "All I did was break up a fight."

Stanse nodded. "I realize that, but unfortunately, the city is cracking down on vigilante activity. That's where The Agency comes in." Passing an office, he received some folders and handed one to Vyper and one to Flex. "As part of our organization, you'll act under our supervision. We'll send you on missions, pay you for your troubles, and if things get out of hand, we'll handle the discipline, though I prefer things to not go that far."

Vyper glanced through the folder, which contained several papers which resembled contracts. "What about our identities?"

"You identities remain yours," Stanse answered. "To be honest, I don't want to know who you are. It's better that way."

"Good," Flex said. "I'd like to keep both of my identities separate."

(Q)  Is Flex's secret identity as transparent as I believe it it?  (Very likely)  Yes.

"Don't worry, Mr. Muggs," said Stanse, "your secret is safe with us."

Flex stopped. "How did you?"

Vyper shook his head. "You're 300 pounds of muscle and no neck. You don't exactly blend in."

"Here we are." Stanse led them to a large training area that looked like a gymnasium. Several men in military fatigues stood scattered in the middle of the gym, but all facing forward. "Now it's time to meet the rest of the team."

"They're all part of our team?" Flex asked.

"Them?" Stanse chuckled. "No, they're just here to help with training. They're the rest of your team."

Vyper and Flex turned as two women in their 20s approached. One wore white sweatpants and a t-shirt while the other wore a red sleeveless shirt and black pants.

"Vyper, Mr. Flex, meet Brenda Rose, aka Bubble Girl, and Stella Cove, aka Muse."

"Hello, I'm Brenda." The one in sweat approached and held out her hand.

"I'm Mr, oh whatever, I'm Brad." He accepted her hand. 

Stella pointed a finger at them. "One Streetcar crack and you'll be having nightmares for a month."

"So this is our training exercise," said Stanse. "The object is to get past our troops and retrieve one of the flags on the far wall." He pointed to the small flags with the word Agency on them. "Brenda, you first."

Nodding, Brenda turned and approached the men who stood ready to stop her. 

Brenda's going to try and push her way past the men. The troops have all 0 for stats, but have batons for weapons (1 damage, KO only). Brenda has -1 Body but +5 Toughness.

(Clash) Does Brenda get past the troops?  (-1 means Unlikely)  No, but barely.

1 dmg versus 5 Toughness means no damage for Brenda.

Brenda tried to push past the troops but they struck at her with their batons. However, the weapons bounced off something around her.

Now she'll try and slip past them, using her 0 Agility versus the troops and their 0 Power. However, since multiple troops are moving at once, I'm treating their stat as +3.

(Clash)  Does Brenda slip past the troops?  (-3 means Nearly Impossible)  No.

Again, no damage.

One more try.

(Clash) Does Brenda make it past the troops?  (Nearly Impossible)  No.

Brenda kept trying to find a way past the troops but they kept attacking her. Finally, she jumped out of the gauntlet and approached the group.

Wiping tears out of her eyes, she looked to Stanse. "I'm sorry, I really tried."

Stanse touched her shoulder lightly. "It's okay, you tried. That's why it's called training."

"I guess it's good that they weren't swinging to hurt her," Vyper said.

"Actually," Stanse replied, "they were."

Flex blinked. "And she didn't even get a scratch?"

Stella smirked. "Hence the name Bubble Girl. She can't throw a punch to save her life, but she no-sells bullets."

"Well," Vyper said, "It's a start."

Stanse then turned. "Stella, you're up."

Nodding, Stella approached the first trooper, who braced himself for a fight. Instead, she lifted her hand, revealing several playing cards. "Pick one, handsome."

(Clash)  Does Stella's trick work?  (+1 means Likely)  Yes.

(Clash)  What about the second trooper?  (Likely)  Yes.

(Clash) And the last one?  (Likely)  Yes.

Each trooper looked at the other in confusion and then at Stanse who simply shrugged.

"Come on," Stella said. "Who's brave enough?"

Finally each trooper pointed to a different card. 

Nodding, Stella shuffled the cards and then held up the bottom one in the pile, showing it to each of them. "Is this your card?" When they shook their heads, she shuffled again and repeated her question, but again their shook their heads. A third time, but the result was the same.

"Quit playing games," said the head trooper. "Are you going to try and get past us or not?"

"Who are you talking to?"

They all turned to see Stella approaching, with a flag in hand. The one holding the playing cards then vanished.

"This could be interesting," said Flex.

"So you're in?" Stanse asked.

"What if I say no?" asked Vyper.

"Then you go back to your normal life," Stanse answered, "but if 'Vyper' appears again, the police will arrest, or worse, on sight."

Vyper crossed his arms. "All I want is a normal life. I was sitting back enjoying my normal life until now."

"Then why did you save me?" Flex asked.

Vyper sighed. "I saw that someone for Willard's tech, which means more powered idiots out there."

"And since you have the most experience fighting them," Stanse said, "we could really use you."

Vyper looked down at the folder in his hands. "I'll give it a shot."

Flex fist pumped. "Yes!" He put an arm around Vyper. "We're officially a super group!"

"Wonderful." Vyper took a deliberate step away from him. "Now I want to know about our competition."


Elsewhere . . .

Zapman entered the laboratory,.

"How did your initiation go?" asked Malory Drab.

"I ran into a snag," said Zapman. "I got double-teamed by some big guy, and Vyper's back."

Drab considered this and then started walking. "We'll deal with him soon enough. Fortunately, your new friend took to our experiments quite well. I'm looking forward to seeing her new powers."

"There were a bunch of guys in trucks," Zapman said. "They're probably not alone."

"You won't be either." Drab entered a room and found Elden looking over a man in a bed. His face was covered by an oxygen mask. "How is he?"

"I repaired his skull," Elden replied. "That's the good news."

"What happened?" Zapman asked. 

"He got struck in the head by a meteorite," Elden answered. "He came to for a bit but he didn't remember anything. His memory might be gone for good."

"So he's a blank slate?" asked Drab.

"Not completely," said Elden. "He thinks he's someone else though, from another time."

"What do you mean?" Drab asked.

Elden pointed. "He was wearing those when he was struck, meaning he was cosplaying. But when he came to and saw them, he believed they were his regular clothing."

Drab turned and looked, raising an eyebrow. "Another time, you said? This could be useful."

Not a lot of game play this time, but I'll make up for it in my next session.