Thursday, October 17, 2024

Mythic - Discworld Rules

 Here's a summary of the rules I use for my Mythic Discworld games. They can also be used for any fantasy game; just change the races as you see fit.

Simplified Mythic Discworld Rules


Characters have 3 Abilities:

  • Do:  Anything physical, including Combat and Toughness.
  • Think:  Anything mental, including Stealth and Magic.
  • Talk:  Any interactions.

Rules and Options:

  • Stats for Abilities range from + to - with 0 being average.
  • Characters gain 2 Ability Points per Level.
  • Level 0 characters get 0 AP.
  • Level -1 characters get -1 AP.
  • Starting characters can trade points from one ability to another.


  • Characters can trade 1 AP for 3 Skill Points.


  • Athletics: Any non-combat physical rolls.
  • Combat:  Attack and Damage.
  • Toughness:  Resisting Physical Damage.


  • Brains:  Anything requiring intellect.
  • Wits:  Stealth, Bluffing, and Awareness.
  • Magic:  Casting and resisting.


  • Charm:  Make someone calmer and cooperative.
  • Question:  Gather information, formally, or general dialog.
  • Wealth:  Buying and selling.



Level 1 Characters or higher get +1 to an Ability.

  • Dwarf:  +1 Do.
  • Troll:  +1 Do.
  • Golem:  +1 Do.









  • Gnome:  +1 Think.
  • Goblin:  +1 Think.
  • Igor:  +1 Think.
  • Werewolf:  +1 Do.
  • Vampire:  +1 Do.
  • Orc:  +1 Do.
  • Human:  +1 to any Ability.


Classes, General


  • Warrior, Guard, Watchman, Thief, Assassin, Fool, Acrobat, Conman, Thig, Bandit, Merchant, Expert, Driver, Hunter, Gambler.


Magical Classes

  • Magical Classes can Cast Spells.
  • When created, Character sacrifices 1 Ability Point,


  • Wizard, Witch, Druid, Alchemist, History Monk, Sorcerer.


  • No Spell Slots.
  • All spells require a Magic roll.
  • Rolling Exceptional No results in -1 RS.

Types of Spells:

  • Damage:  Fireball, Lightning, Thorns.
  • Escape:  Teleport, Danger Sense, Shield.
  • Effect:  Heal, Forget, Levitate.





Character Creation

  • Choose a Race.
  • Choose a Class.
  • Distribute Ability Points.
  • Choose Spells (if Magic Class)
  • Create background, appearance, etc.
  • Venture forth!




  • When a character succeeds with a Clash or Ability check, the character receives an Adventure Token.
  • AT can be spent to gain a +1 RS at any time.
  • However, a character rolling an Exceptional failure receives a Negative Adventure Token, which cancels out 1 previous AT.
  • After gaining a total of 3 AT, a character can attempt to advance by making a Fate Roll.
  • The Difficulty is the next Level.
  • Failure means the character can try again next time 3 AT are rolled.
  • Random events mean the character must perform a task first.



  • No coins are kept on record for currency.
  • Instead, characters purchase things by making Talk rolls.
  • The Difficulty base is 0 but is modified by its bonus.
  • The Bonus is modified by the number of uses.
  • So a sword with a permanent +2 bonus (+2 x +3 for perm bonus) would have +6 Difficulty.
  • AT can be spent to improve chances.
  • If Exceptional No is rolled, a character cannot make another roll to buy something until gaining another AT.


Saturday, October 12, 2024

Total Part Kill - Mythic's Player Emulator

 Most Roleplaying games have one Dungeon or Game Master and one or more Players. With solo games like Mythic and Two Hour Wargames, you have players, but the game systems and dice determine the outcomes.

Well Mythic has something new from recent games. I haven't run games in years, mostly because my friends and I all went in separate directions, and also because work and other activities make forming a game group more difficult nowadays. And yet I miss those games. Watching Players maneuver their characters through different adventures, watching them solving puzzles. Eradicating an entire party while the players stare with dropped jaws ----- oh wait, did I say that last part out loud? I would never, in a million years . . . . okay I performed one TPK once, but they knew it going in.

Anyway, Mythic Magazine #41 has a new option, the Player Emulator. Instead of running your party and the dice and charts run the game, you are the Game/Dungeon Master and the game runs the players. I really wanted to give this a try, and for extra fun, I figured I'd post my results as I go.

While I'm using a generic fantasy world, I'll use my Discworld rules for creating characters and monsters, and with the Player Emulator creating Play styles for each player. To keep things simple, I've kept player and character names as close as possible.

A quick recap of my character rules:

Characters have 3 Abilities:  Do (anything physical, including combat), Think (anything mental, including magic and thieves skills), and Talk (any interactions). Characters get 2 Ability Points per level, + a bonus for Race (which I run fast and loose with). Level 2 characters on can exchange 1 Ability PT for 3 Skills Points, which allow for specializing.

Level 0 characters and creatures must have Abilities that equal 0. 

Finally, Magic Classes can cast spells but must sacrifice 1 Ability PT at the start.

Anyway, here are my first victims, I mean PCs:

Marek:  Male Human Mage.  Level 2.  

Do: 0, Think:  +2, Talk: 0

Skills:  Magic:  +2 Damage, +1 Effect.

Player:  Marco

Play Style: Fight (He will have his character attack as much as possible.)

Wallace:  Male Human Warrior.  Level 2.

Do: +2, Think: +2, Talk: 0.

Skills:  Weapon Damage +2, Shield +2.

Player:  Wally

Play Style:  Shoot First (Similar to Marco).

Rosse:  Female Elf Rogue.  Level 2.

Do:  0, Think: +2, Talk: +2.

Skills: Wits +3.

Player:  Rose

Play Style:  Thinker.

I'm using Mythic's One Page Location Crafter, along with the Dungeon Generator, for the dungeon that they're exploring. The board and minis are from Mage Knight. I don't have a lot of monster minis (well none that wouldn't obliterate a party of lvl 2 characters) so I'll use poker chips for threats. Finally, I'm adding a few little traps I thought of or used in past DnD games.

The Dungeon

Grimble, the goblin sorcerer put together the dungeon. Hearing about evil overlords dispatching hapless heroes with underground monstrosities, Grimble decided to try his hand. Unfortunately, he's still new at this so we'll see how successful he is.

The 3 enter the dungeon here. Rolling on the Location Crafter, I get Expected, Return. I decided this is simply the entrance. Nothing out of the ordinary. I'll let them travel a bit before torturing them.

The party encountered their first trap. It's a step-activated panel that sends the victim hurtling to the ceiling, where he strikes another touch-activated panel that sends him back to the original, and so on. Mythic decided that, despite the picture, they can't go around. I decided that trying would trigger hidden panels on the sides as well.

Approaching it carefully, Rosse managed to disarm it. Okay, they got past their first test. Fair enough. What's next?

LC decided the party encountered an object, which I decided was a treasure chest. 

Rose passed her Sense roll, meaning she'll got with the more sensible approach.

Rose:  "I think I can disarm this, but a chest all by itself seems too suspicious."

Wally:  (Passing his Sense roll, which is impressive, since I gave him a penalty for his Play Style)  "I could bash it, but I think it might make things worse."

Marco:  "Agreed, let's keep going."

Oooh, I've been waiting for this one! 

The party approached a pit. A sign next to the edge read, "Only by staring into the darkness within can one hope to cross."

I'll let Rose make the Sense check for the part:  (Pass!) 

Wallace:  "My deepest, darkest secrets? Back when I was 8 and out of underwear -"

Rosse:  "Wait, and please for the love of Vulcan, never ever finish that sentence."  (Kneels down and stares into the pit.)  "It looks shallow."

Rosse makes a Do check to leap into the pit (Easy):  Pass!

Wallace makes the check:  Pass!

Marek rolls:  Fail!

Marek falls and suffers -1 Rank Shift Damage.

Standing, they realized the pit was only waist-deep. Unfortunately, Marek tripped hurt his ankle by landing wrong. Still, they were able to cross without difficulty and move on to the next room.

LC determined the next room had 3 opponents. Rolling on 1 Page Creature Crafter, I got 3 Cave Cats. Now these aren't house kitties simply living underground. The size of cheetahs and just as fast, they used the caves and their construction to their advantage.

I gave them the following stats:

Cave Cat:  Level 0. Do:0, Think: +1, Talk: -1. 

I had the cats perform a sneak attack and they passed. I decided this gave them a +1 on the first round of combat.

The d6 helped me keep track of injuries in RS.

Fortunately, the heroes managed to avoid the cats enough to win the fight, though Marek suffered injury and is now at -2 RS and Rosse suffered -1 RS. With the battle over, the group tends to their injuries. Rosse recovered but Marek still had to deal with -1 RS.

The next room was empty except for a single object. I thought a door to the next room would work, but with a catch. The door had 3 differently-shaped locks and 3 keys scattered in the room. The puzzle was to find the keys and open the door.

Together, they located all 3 keys and Rosse figured out which keys to place in which locks. Which is good because failing would cause spikes to shoot out of the walls.

Passing that challenge, they moved on.

Entering the next room, the party encountered a pool of water blocking their path. The water sparkled and something appeared to be at the bottom.

Marek: (Lowered to one knee to look)

Rose:  Sense check:  Passed!  "Wait! The pool is a trap." (looks up)  "There!"

Just then, several stalactites dropped from the ceiling.

These are called Clingers and use the pool to lure victims to drop their guard before falling and piercing them.

Clingers:  Level 0. Do: 0, Think: +1, Talk: -1.

Since the party saw them coming, they lost their +1 first-round advantage. Combat then went on normally.

Unfortunately, things didn't go so well for our heroes. Marek missed with a magic bolt spell and got stabbed (Exceptional Failure). Wallace took out most of the Clingers while Rosse mopped up the rest. Marek survived, but was still wounded so the group chose to backtrack and leave the dungeon for another day.

Wallace gained 3 Adventure Points.

Rosse gained 4 AP.

Marek gained 1 AP but lost it due to getting Incapacitated.

Overall, it was a fun little trial. They figured every challenge I threw at them which is fine because I still have a few more ticks up my sleeve (like the wall of water and glass wall on the other side of a pit).

But those are for next time.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Time for a Slobberknocker - Legends of Wrestling

I recently got back into the Legends of Wrestling game from Filsinger Games. It's a card and dice game with wrestlers from all eras, even way back in the early 20th century. Heck, it even includes a few from the late 19th century! That doesn't mean you won't find wrestlers from recent years as well, and some sets feature wrestlers all from the same era (like Legends V, which is about the 90s, and has Davey Boy Smith, Curtis Hughes, and Big Van Vader).

Personally, I'm a fan of technical wrestling, especially the Vintage era (early 20th century, up to the 50s), so a lot of the wrestlers I use are from that era. I don't have the main box set because I already have the rules to play the game. 

Instead, the sets I use are:

Legends III (AWA)
Legends IV (Hardcore)
Legends VII (Vintage)
Cauliflower Alley Club II
George Tragos Award sets I, II, IV.
Olde Wrestling I and II (and indie fed that acts like a vintage one)
A few Special Edition cards.

LOW is played using d6. Each card has stats and moves on the back, and you roll to see what each wrestler does and how his opponent reacts. For throwing opponents into the ropes, fighting outside the ring, etc., you refer to game charts. The main rules also have several special matches, such as tag team and battle royals.

My fed is called the Shooters All-star Grappling Alliance, or SAGA for short. It's based off an idea years ago where my friend and I split a fed, with each of us picking a show. Mine was called Saga. Once we decided to run our own feds, I just kept the name but spelled it out to mean something. 

This is my return card. I stopped in 2022 because I kept getting sidetracked with other projects, games, etc. My last card had John Pesek defeating William Muldoon in less than a minute to win the World Title, though I decided it was because Muldoon landed wrong and got hurt). Originally, it was supposed to be a big feud, but now I just gave them a rematch.

I did use Mythic GME here and there, mostly asking, "Did Wrestler A attack Opponent B or C?" "Will there be a rematch?" Stuff like that.

Here's the card:

Heat Plex

The Tri-Town Arena
Morgantown, NC
Dark Matches:
A. Matt Cross defeated Pampiro Firpo in a Blood Rumble qualifying match.
B. Nicolas Valentino defeated Marion Fontaine in a BR qualifying match.
Actual event:
Gordon Solie invited Jim Ross to the commentating table. Shon Maxx, the current COO of SAGA (though he prefers CMM or Chief Mischief Maker), joined as color commentator. However he said the main job was theirs; he just wanted a front row seat to the action.
1. Paul Orndorff Pinned Masa Saito after a Jumping Piledriver.
2. The Stranglers defeated the Flying Redheads when Evan Lewis made Billy Red Lyons tap to the Strangler's Headlock. Lyons hurt his neck and is out for 2 cards.
Several wrestlers were shown drawing their numbers for the Blood Rumble. Commissioner Teddy Long supervised to make sure no one pulled any little tricks.
 Judge Hugo Black, Representative Gavin Volstead, and Senator Cameron Sheppard all seemed disappointed by their numbers. but then Volstead reminded them that they didn't actually have to fight each other. Black them pointed out that if they worked together and won the Rumble, they could pressure Long into giving them shots at the World and Tag Team titles.
3. The Monsters (Gorilla Monsoon and Butcher Vachon) beat Thunder + Lightning (Thunderbolt Patterson and Lightning Rod Fenton when Monsoon pinned Fenton.
The Great Gama and the Terrible Turk drew their numbers. Both grinned widely but said nothing. 
4. William Muldoon defeated John Pesek to regain the World Title, 2 falls to 1 in a Vintage Rules match. Muldoon pulled out a quick pin for the first fall. Pesek made Muldoon tap to win the second fall. And Muldoon pinned Pesek after 15 minutes of back and forth action to win the third fall. After the match, neither man offered to shake hands. Instead, they exchanged angry nods of respect.
Farmer Burns, Frank Gotch, and George Hackenschmidt drew their numbers. Burns expressed concern because it was his very first SAGA event. But after seeing Burns' number, Gotch tapped him on the shoulder and told him he'd be all right.
5. Blood Rumble - Winner gets a shot at the World Title at a future event:
- Sheppard was #1. His ally, Hugo Black, was #2. The two stood in the ring and waited for the next opponent.
- Henry Irslinger was #3. They double-teamed him, but he held them off.
- Volstead was #4. They triple-teamed Irslinger and eliminated him.
- #5 was Jeff King. Again, they triple-teamed and tossed him out.
- #6 was Fritz Von Goering. He held on for a minute but lost the numbers game and was tossed out.
- George Hackenschmidt entered at #7 and cleaned house. He easily tossed all 3 men out.
- #8 was Matt Cross. He and Hackenschmidt shook hands and grappled, with Hack tossing him out.
- #9 was Boris Malenko. He attacked Hack immediately, and the two fought back and forth.
- #10 was Nikita Koloff. He helped Malenko attack Hack and they wore him down.
- #11 was Baron Von Rasche. Before he could enter, Hack eliminated Malenko and Koloff. However, Malenko grabbed his chain, jumped onto the apron, and choked Hack. The Baron threw Hack out, and Malenko and Koloff used their chains to brutalize Hack. Frank gotch ran out and saved his friend, and he led Hack to the locker rooms.
- #12 was Jim Londos. Baron attacked him immediately, and the two fought back and forth.
- Ox Baker entered at lucky #13. He helped Baron go after Londos, who did his best to fight back.
- #14 was Frank Gotch, who walked out only once he knew Hack was okay.
- Londos eliminated both Baron and Ox. He and Gotch then exchanged moves for a minute.
- Abdullah entered at #15. He quickly bloodied both Gotch and Londos.
- Tim Curtis entered at #16. Abdullah went right after him and quickly sent him flying.
- Dan Severn entered at #17.
- Abdullah eliminated Gotch after blinding him with an eye rake and clotheslining him over the top rope.
- Severn eliminated Londos with a German suplex over the top rope.
- Greg Valentine entered at #18. After shrugging off Abdullah's attacks, he hoisted the bigger man over the top rope and to the floor.
- Bob Roop entered at #19. 
- George Tragos entered at #20.
- Valentine was eliminated by Severn.
- Roop was eliminated by Tragos.
- Dick Hutton entered at #21.
- Nicolas Valentino entered at #22.
- Great Gama entered at #23.
- Severn suplexed Valentino over the top rope.
- Gama used the Gama Throw to toss out Tragos.
- The Crusher entered at # 24. He went right after Gama, and the two went back and forth.
- The Terrible Turk entered at #25. He and Gama fist-bumped and double-teamed Crusher. After a few minutes, Turk helped Gama eliminate Crusher.
-Turk tossed Hutton into the third row.
- Cowboy Scott Casey entered at #26.
- Wilbur Snyder entered at #27.
- Stanislaus Zbysko entered at #28.
- The Destroyer entered at #29.
- Martin "Farmer" Burns entered at #30.
- Turk sent Casey flying.
- Snyder locked Turk in an abdominal stretch. He then turned it into a waistlock suplex and flipped Turk over the top rope.
- Severn reversed a turnbuckle charge and flipped Gama out of the ring.
- Destroyer used a Sensational Suplex to eliminate Severn.
- Burns used the Iowa Backdrop to eliminate Destroyer.
- Zbysko easily tossed out Snyder.
-This left Zbysko and Burns. For several minutes, they fought back and forth. Burns then attempted to lock in a half nelson, but Zbysko powered out, grabbed Burns in a hammerlock, and then choke slammed him out of the ring.
Winner of the Blood Rumble:  Stanislaus Zbysko (I guess I better get used to writing that name!)

Monday, May 20, 2024

Aftermath - Mythic and Lego Star Wars #2

 Kha-sa wandered through the arena, completely stumped by what he saw and heard, or rather by what he didn't see or hear. What remained of his brothers were clumps or body parts and robes. Before Palpatine's throne, he only found burnt marks on the ground. Smoke still rose from parts of the throne, and the entire room held a charred odor. 

Footsteps broke the silence, and Kha-sa turned. "Snoke."

Snoke approached him, but his arms were in normal condition, so this was a different clone. "You survived, Sith cult brother."

"I was outside the arena. What happened?"

Snoke stared at the throne. "The Jedi defeated Palpatine and escaped. I shall seek revenge for us."

"Revenge?" Kha-sa tilted his head to the side. "This was a trial between the Jedi and the Sith and the Jedi won. If the trial ended, there is no need for revenge, only rebuilding."

Snoke smirked. "You misheard me, petty one. Revenge shall be solely mine!" Holding out his hand. He lifted Kha-sa into the air, while the young cultist gripped his own throat.

Before this fight begins, I need stats for this Snoke clone.

(Q)  Is Snoke Level 1?  (Likely)  No.

So he's level 0.

(Q)  Is his Force +1?  (Likely)  X-Yes.

(Q)  Is his Think +1?  (Likely)  No.

(Q)  Is his Talk a 0 (Likely)  Yes.

So we have -2 Do, 0 Think, 0 Talk, +2 Force. He's deadly against Kha-sa when using his powers but not to much in physical combat.

Also, from the previous post, Kha-sa gained 2 Saga Points, 1 for helping Snoke and the other for winning his clash against Nek-Va.

This first Clash is Snoke lifting and choking Kha-sa, who's just trying to survive.

(Clash)  Does Kha-sa win the Clash?  (+1 Think vs. +2 Force = Unlikely)  Yes.

Controlling his mind and wriggling with all his strength, Kha-sa managed to break free. Collapsing to the ground, he gasped for air.

Snoke circled him. "This is just the beginning, petty one."

Kha'sa managed to speak again. "Why are you doing this? I'm no threat to you."

"I require strength," Snoke answered. "By destroying you and any others in my path, I shall gather enough to become invincible."

"Seriously?" Kha-sa reached his feet. "What kind of lunatic attacks random foes just to get stronger?"

(Clash)  Does Kha-sa win the Clash?  (+1 vs. +2 = Unlikely)  No, Random Event.

(Event)  "Control, Danger."

Kha-sa suffers -1 RS.

Kha-sa tried to escape, but Snoke used the Force to lift a rock. It slammed into Kha-sa, knocking him into the ground. Rising to all fours, he felt his head ringing.

Kha-sa needs something to help him fight. Maybe he can locate a weapon.

(Ability)  Does Kha-sa find a weapon to use?  (+1 vs. Unlikely = 50/50)  X-Yes.

The Exceptional result, I'm interpreting as a weapon with +1 Damage.

Fingers searching the ground, Kha-sa frantically tried to locate something to help him. Then he found it, a spear, or the remains of one. Rolling to a sitting position, he forced himself to his feet as Snoke approached him.

"No more games," said the clone. "Once I snap your neck, I can move on."

I'm using both of his Saga Points here for combat.

(Clash)  Does Kha-sa win the Clash?  (+2 Do, -1 RS, +2 SP vs. +2 Force = Likely)  X-Yes.

+2 Damage vs. -2 Toughness means a roll for Incapacity.

(Incapacity)  Is Snoke Incapacitated?  (Very Likely)  Yes.

As Snoke approached him, Kha-sa gathered all his strength and hurled the spear. It struck Snoke right in the chest, and the clone howled in agony before crumpling to the ground. 

But the effort caused Kha-sa to fall back as well. Collapsing against the throne, he saw images;

The rotted Palptine regaining his body.

Palpatine hurling lighting at the stars.

Palpatine hurling lightning at the Jedi.

The Jedi using a laser sword to reflect the lightning back.

Palpatine crying out as the lightning disintegrated him.

Ceaseless fury over generations twisting into infinite terror in a matter of seconds.

I want Kha-sa to eventually gain the Force, so falling into the spot where Palpatine died and possibly absorbing some darkside energy would do the trick. The real challenge will be using it without turning to the darkside.

Shuddering, Kha-sa regained his feet. The arena suddenly chilled him to his bones. 

Rushing through the tunnels, he sought a way to escape. Finally stopping before some statues, he found himself rising as the lift brought him to the planet's surface.

Kha-sa kept his eyes, however, on his own feet. Feeling the dread now inside, he couldn't bring himself to view the faces of the statues.

Finally, a breeze struck him, and he saw he had reached the surface., but still under the floating megalith above. Walking as fast as his legs could carry him, he slipped past the darkness and now found himself in the open. He continued walking, not risking any look back, until a new shadow fell on him.

A ship stood before him. Looking around, Kha-sa noticed no one else in the area, so he climbed up and into the craft. Searching the cockpit, he found a flight manual and read through it.

This would explain his +1 Think, despite being a scientist. He picks up new skills quickly but has yet to master any.

Since he has a manual, I'm putting the Diffculty in learning to fly at +1.

(Ability)  Does Kha'sa learn to fly the ship?  (+1 Think vs. +1 Diff = 50/50)  No, Random Event.

(Event)  "Positive, Deceit."

Kha-sa struggled to understand the manual, which he found strange because he thought he recognized the language. Then he realized he was holding it upside down. Turning it the correct way, he tried again.

(Ability)  Does he fly the ship?  (50/50)  Yes.

This time, he understood the language. Following the instructions, he flipped the switches and turned the dial. The cockpit closed and the ship slowly hovered just inches above the ground. Kha-sa then pivoted the ship so it faced upward. 

He expected it to takes it time climbing into the sky. Instead, it shot up like lightning, shrieking like some terrified animal.

And Kha-sa screamed along with it.

Since Kha-sa has gained 3 SPs, I'm going to see if he levels up.

(Q)  Does Kha'sa Level up?  (+2 Diff = Very Unlikely)  No.

So, not yet, but he did gain another SP so he's back to +1.

I'm also altering his name to Casa to show that he's leaving that life behind.

Now I just have to figure out where he'll go next.

Lego Binds the Galaxy Together! - Mythic and Star Wars

 I know I haven't done Part 2 of the Adventure Crafter yet, but I'll get to it eventually. Maybe. But first I wanted to play a Star Wars game.

I bought Lego Star Wars the Skywalker Saga not long ago and am having a blast. You know there's a lot to the game when you complete all 9 movie missions, but the progress bar reads only 33% complete. The rest is completing side missions, unlocking characters and ships, finding collectibles, and running/flying around while exploring.

So this is a blog post about the video game, right?


But, wait, Mythic is in the title. So is this about a video game or Roleplaying game?

The answer:


Mythic Magazine #37 has an article on adding roleplaying elements to your videogames. I was originally going to try it with Skyrim. However, after playing Lego SW, I came up with ideas that I wanted to try out after exploring a bit. So I'll be jumping back and forth between the video game and roleplaying.

Now I have the old SW RPG d20 rules, but I wanted something simpler. So my plan was to tweak my Discworld rules to fit in SW. Once again, I'll use Mythic for combat, story-telling, and skill resolution, and my rules for characters themselves.

A quick recap and summary of the tweaked character rules:

- There are 3 Abilities:  Do (anything physical, including combat), Think (anything mental, including computer use and sneakiness), and Talk.

- A Zero is considered average for an Ability, with higher numbers being better.

- Characters get 2 Ability Points per level, plus 1 additional point at Lvl 1 for Race (I play fast and loose with this).

- Level 0 characters have a total of 0 for their Abilities. So if one Ability is +1, another must be -1.

- Level -1 Characters are similar, but their Abilities must total -1.

- Force Using characters have a fourth Ability: Force, but the same number of Ability Points. Force, however, is added to other abilities for Force Powers. For example, Force + Mind for levitation.

- Successfully completing a Clash or Ability check results in gaining a Saga Point. SPs can be spent to gain a bonus on any future rolls, but once they're spent, they're gone.

- After gaining 3 SPs, a character can roll to level up. The Difficulty is the next level. So for a lvl 1 character, the Difficulty is +2 or Very Unlikely. SPs can be used here as well.

- I'll get to ship rules later.

So let's get started. This takes place near the ending of Episode IX, The Rise of Skywalker. Spoilers ahead.

Inside the Sith Temple on Exegol, Snoke paced the cave. Staring at his limp arm, he found he could only raise it by using the Force, but that only brought more pain.

Hearing a shuffling, Snoke looked up and saw a figure approach. The figure, like so many others in the temple, wore a black robe with a black robe concealing his face.

The figure stopped before Snoke and bowed. "A'hil un 'krii inSnuuk t'e."

Snoke stared at the figure while tilting his head.

Seeing the other's reaction, the figure gave a nod. "Apologies, Snoke. I forgot you speak not the language of the Sith."

The figure in black is my PC. In the game, he is referred to as a Sith Acolyte, one of the robed figures you see watching the final fight at the conclusion of the film. However, with the upcoming series having the same name, I'm instead using the term Sith Cultist.

My plan is to see if I can take this character and turn him into a hero. Now in the game, the cultists spend their time either tending to Palpatine or conducting experiments. I'm going with the latter for this character.

Using Mythic 2e, I rolled for his name and got, "Kha + Sa." Sith cultists tend to have hyphenated names, so Kha-sa makes sense.

He is Level 1 and not (yet) Force user, so he has 3 Ability Points. I'm keeping his Talk at 0 because he's spent most of his life within the temple, so while he is polite, he is not the best in social skills. That means either a 2 Do and 1 Think or 1 Do and 2 Think. Since he's a scientist, the latter seems likely.

(Q) Does Kha-sa have a 1 Do and 2 Think?  (Likely)  No.

Okay, so 2 Do, 1 Think, and 0 Talk.

The figure bowed his head. "Greetings to you, Snoke, my name is Kha-sa." He then noticed the other's arm. "You are injured."

Snoke groaned. "I emerged from the vat like this."

"I see." Kha-sa stepped for and examined the arm. "Possibly an imperfect experiment."

Seeing where this was going, Snoke pulled slightly away. "And what usually happens to these imperfect experiments?"

"They tend to be destroyed." Kha-sa lifted the arm and turned in his black-gloved hands.

 Kha-sa will attempt to repair Snoke's arm.

(Q)  Is the Diffuclty +1?  (Likely)  Exceptional No.

This means it's only -1.

(Ability)  Can Kha-Sa repair the arm?  (+1 Think vs. -1 Diff = +2 or Very Likely)  Yes, Random Event.

(Event)  "Control, Increase"

I'm interpreting that rather loosely.

Reaching into a bag that hung from his shoulder, Kha-sa, pulled out some cloth and a long rod. Placing the rod against Snoke's arm, he wrapped it with the cloth. Finally, he used a pin to keep the cloth in place.

"There," said Kha-sa, "I would suggest you move your arm as little as possible, but it will now heal correctly."

"You don't believe in destroying imperfect experiments?" Snoke asked.

Kha-sa closed his bag and shifted it back under his robe. "How can we learn if we destroy everything that fails to meet our expectations." Hearing murmuring in the distance, he motioned to the other to follow. "Come, it sounds as if they begin soon."

Snoke followed him. "What begins?"

"Palpatine has invited the Jedi to a final confrontation," Kha'sa answered. "The arena is already filled with people."

As they walked through the cavern, Snoke thought for a moment. "Tell me, Kha-sa, I was born with knowledge of thousands of worlds, of countless languages, and untold generations of wisdom in the Force. Yet I know nothing of the Sith. Why is that?"

Kha-sa didn't even seemed surprised by that question. "For reasons we've yet to understand, Snoke clones, their bodies, and most importantly their minds are incompatible with Sith language and wisdom." He glanced at a shattered portion of a wall. "We learned that in a rather unfortunate manner."

Seeing his reflection in one clear rock, Snoke stopped, turned,  and studied himself. "So I am a recent clone then." He turned slightly. "That must mean I am a vast improvement over the original Snoke clone, wouldn't you say?"

But Kha-sa said nothing, at first. Having never met the original Snoke clone, he lacked the basis for comparison. However, the last thing this clone needed was an existential crisis. "In time." Passing a room, he slipped in and quickly returned with another robe. "Here, put this on, at least for the moment."

Snoke put on the robe so that he blended in. They then entered the arena, where countless others in similar robes awaited in the stands.

Now, in the film, Palpatine's death (I warned you of spoilers, remember?) also destroyed much of the arena, killing nearly all the cultists. Somehow, Kha'sa needs t survive, but how? 

Time to ask Mythic.

(Q)  How did Kha-sa Survive?  "Help, Fight."

Well, Kha-sa, being a lvl 1 character, is nowhere near a help in any Sith fight. However, I remembered in the game that cultists spent a lot of time stabbing each other in the back (sometimes literally), so I went with that.

"Kha-sa, a moment."

Kha-sa turned as another figure in black approach.

This figures needs a name, so back to 2e's Name Generator:  "Location + Va."

For the location, the first thing I thought of was Necropolis (given the temple), so I chose to make his name Nek-Va. It sounds like another cultist name.

"Nek-Va," Kha-sa said. "What is it?"

"We're needed to guard the lift in case the Jedi brought allies," Nek-va answered.

"Or course." Kha-sa turned to Snoke. "I'll return soon." He followed the other back through the tunnel.

I now need stats for this new character.

(Q) Is Nek-va Level 1?  (Likely)  No.

So he's Level 0.

(Q)  Are any of his Abilities +1?  (Likely)  No.

So, Nek-va has all 0 for his 3 abilities. To allow him a slight edge, I'm giving him a knife, which adds +1 to Damage.

 Exiting the tunnel, they approached bridge that passed over a chasm. 

Kha-sa stood at the edge of the bridge. "Do you think they'll enter from this end, brother?"

"Oh, I can assure, brother, that something shall end." Standing behind Kha-sa, he pulled out a knife and lunged forward.

Nek-va is performing a Damage in the Clash, while Kha-sa will attempt an Escape to avoid damage.

(Clash)  Does Kha-sa win the Clash?  (+2 vs. 0 = Very Likely)  Yes.

This explains Kha-sa's +1 to Do. He has a lot of experience in defending himself from sneak attacks from the others.

Kha-sa easily dodged the attack, spinning around to face other other. "Our brothers attempting to strike at each other surprises me little. Yet, I always find astonishing that you prefer to all speak first and then attack."

Nek-va growled. "A mistake I shall not replicate, as I know enough to destroy mine."

Kha-sa tilted his head. "Is that what this is about, my sparing a Snoke clone?"

"You were to destroy failures," Nek-va snarled.

"I violated no law," Kha-sa answered.

"But you showed weakness," Nek-va responded, "and by destroying weakness, I shall grow stronger."

For this Clash, Kha-sa will fight back, though he's unarmed. I imagine his fighting style is a mix of throws and escapes combined with basic strikes.

(Clash)  Does Kha-sa win the Clash?  (+2 vs. 0 = Very Likely)  Yes.

Nek-Va suffers a -1 Rank Shift.

Nek-Va lunged again, but Kha-sa blocked it with his forearm. He then struck with his other open palm, causing his opponent to stumble back.

In the distance, they heard Palpatine's cackle, followed by lightning slashing above.

"We're missing the event," said Kha-sa. "Should we continue this at a later time?"

"This event belongs to me," said Nek-va. "Today, I shall become one of greatness."

(Clash)  Does Kha-sa win the Clash?  (+2 vs. -1 = Nearly Certain)  Yes.

Since, even unarmed, Kha-sa's Damage is 3 ranks higher than Nek-va's Toughness, Nek-Va must roll for Incapacity to see if he's dead.

(Incapacity)  Is Nek-va incapacitated?  (+2 vs. -2 = Certain)  X-Yes.

Nek-va growled and lunged one more time, but Kha-sa dodged it. Tripping on a wrong, the other cultist tumbled over the edge, and disappeared into the chasm.

Kha-sa shook his head. "How unfortunate." He then jumped as he heard Palpatine's voice again. But this time, instead of a cackle, he heard the Sith master screaming in agony. Suddenly, there was an explosion, and gusts of debris shot through the tunnels. 

Ducking behind a statue, Kha-sa braced himself as the entire temple shook. Even the statues began to crumble. He tried to avoid them, but something slammed into his head, and he fell to the ground. 

Waking up some time, later, Kha-sa found himself in near darkness. Wandering through the temple, he found nothing but silence. Entering the arena, he saw no sign of Palpatine, and among the ruins in the stands, only torn robes and burnt bodies.


Sunday, January 7, 2024

Let the Quest Begin! Mythic 1 Page Adventure Crafter

 Mythic has a bunch of material for developing your games before you play, or even while you are. One of them is the Adventure Crafter, which helps you build up the plots of your games while giving you a framework. While I do have the full AC version, I tend to use the One Page version because it's quicker. I do plan to cover the full version in the future, but for this, I'll just keep it simple.

The 1P AC divides your adventure (Called a Turning Point) into 5 Plot Points. You can think of these as Acts 1-5 or even combine them. Plot Points are then organized by Themes: Action (combat, quick escapes, etc.), Tension (suspense and horror), Mystery (there's something unknown to solve), Social (requiring you to interact with others), and Personal (affecting one or more major characters).

After rolling a Theme, you roll on the table and get a single word. Combining the Them and the word then gives you what happens in that Plot Point. Of course, this leaves a lot of room for interpretation, and I'll admit to staring at the page more than once while being completely stuck. But you can then add to it by asking Fate Questions.

For this, I'll be using 1P AC to just create a few quick adventure ideas. I'll even shift the genre a few times to show the different options.

So let's get started with our first one:

I'll start with medieval fantasy (D&D and similar titles).

- Overall Theme:  Tension.

Plot Point 1: Tension: Night.

PP 2:  Action:  Pursued.

PP 3:  Personal:  Personal (Oh, that helps a lot).

PP 4:  Action:  Damage.

PP 5:  Mystery:  Cryptic.

I feel like combining the first two into a single plot point. 

(Q)  Is the party being chased?  (Very Unlikely)  No.

(Description)  Who is being chased?  Loud, Official.

(Q)  Is it male?  (50/50)  No, Random Event.

(Event)  Create, Increase.

(Description)  Who is doing the chasing?  Dark, Disagreeable.

(Q)  Is it human?  (Likely)  Yes.

Okay, here goes;

Late, one cool, foggy night, the party hears screaming and notices a woman running down the path. Throwing a glance behind her, she hides behind a tree but then vanishes. A few seconds later, a man wearing all black and holding a sword appears. Not seeing where the woman went, he approaches the party. If they don't offer information but stay pleasant, he takes off in a random direction.

A minute later, the woman reappears. Thanking the part, she mentions she works in the town keeping records. Discovering some information about mysterious disappearances, she found herself chased by the man they had scene. Now she's trying to understand the information and solve the mystery.

If the party helps, they learn one of those who vanished is close to one of them. Eventually the man in dark clothing returns with some friends and a fight breaks out. 

If the party investigates more, they learn that the town has kept this terrible secret for some time. The question is, what secret has caused the man in dark to want to kill people?

Not bad for a first generated adventure.

Here's another.

This time, I'll go with Science Fiction. The characters are part of an exploration vessel.

Overall Theme:  Social.

PP 1:  Social:  Rural.

PP 2:  Action:  Travel.

PP 3:  Mystery:  Explore.

PP 4:  Social:  Gathering.

PP 5:  Tension:  Death (Wow, no subtly there!) 

(Q)  Has the party encountered the village before?  (Likely)  No.

(Q)  Are they friendly?  (Very Likely)  No.

(Q)  Are they having a celebration?  (Very Likely)  X-No.

(Q)  Do they know the party is there?  (Likely)  No.

(Description)  What is the village like?  Natural, Rotten.

The party is investigating life signs on a planet. Discovering a village in the middle of a massive graveyard, they observe that the people have built their homes into various massive graves made of mud and stone. 

If the villagers notice the party, they give chase, with weapons drawn. The party then learns that the villagers believe in a balance of nature. For every birth, there must be a death. A bunch of babies have been born recently, so they see the party as the perfect sacrifice. 

If the part escapes, the villagers will just find something else to sacrifice, even if it means invading another village. 

What does the party do?

Wow, a little morbid, even by my standards, but I love giving players choices.

One more. Let's make this one a game set in the Pulp Era.

Overall Theme:  Tension.

PP 1:  Tension:  Resource.

PP 2:  Personal:  Incapacitation.

PP 3:  Social:  Servant.

PP 4:  Personal:  Mundane.

PP 5:  Tension:  Conclusion.

So a suspense or horror story that starts with resources.

(Q)  Is a lack of something involved?  (Likely)  Yes.

(Q)  Is it medically related?  (Very Likely)  No.

(Detail)  What is the Resource?  Strange, Disagreeable.

The PC learns that a local pulp magazine that produces stories of mystery and horror has been robbed. No money has been stolen, but all of the paper and part of the machinery to print the magazines are missing. 

While investigating, the PC is attacked and knocked out. Waking up in his apartment, he finds a note, saying to stay away because the perpetrators are heroes trying to return to city to normal without the 'trash magazines.' 

If the PC continues to search for answers, he/she will feel eyes watching from every direction. Who is involved? How many people? And how far will they go to end these 'evil pieces of lit?'

There you go, three separate adventures from a few dice rolls. Next time, I'll try out the full version of the Adventure Crafter. However, I'm debating on only rolling 1 adventure and just adapting it to different genres because the full AC is over 30 pages long.

I'll decide by next time.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Ready for some Football? No, not that one! Not that one either.

Mythic Magazine #33 includes rules for Mass Combat, where you can have multiple opponents on both sides. I thought I'd try and use it for a team sport. Usually that sport would be Hockey, but I want to attempt something different this time around, at least for now.

One of the Discworld books I got for XMas is titled Unseen Academicals, and is about wizards forming a football teaming, only they're not allowed to use magic. Now this isn't like modern football, or European football (i.e. soccer to many of us), or rugby, or anything like that. 

Instead, it resembles Medieval Football, also called Mob Football and a few other names. Since no names have been set in stone, I'm going with Mob Ball. I just find it to be a cooler name. In short though, it's a form of football that was played back in medieval times.

The main rules for Mob Ball are here:

But here's a summary:

Mob Ball is played between 2 teams, usually from two different towns, such as the home team and away team. They start in the center of a town, with any number of players, and try to get a ball (or pigs intestine, but let's go with the word Ball) to one end of the town to score a goal. The goal can be an actual set of posts, where the ball either hits or passes through. However some games had a church balcony used instead. Holding the ball, throwing, kicking, punching, scratching, and tackling were allowed. In fact, anything was legal short of manslaughter, and even that's sort of a gray area.

There are no downs, no safeties, no colored cards, and no time limit. First team to score a goal, wins.

Seems simple enough!

For my game rules, I'm mostly using the Mythic Mass Combat rules, but with a few tweaks. First, After each roll, I'll also roll on the Character Action (General) table to see what happens. If an Exceptional result is rolled, I'll use the Character Action (Combat) table instead. If Doubles are rolled (Even for Home team, Odd for Away Team), I'll treat that as a possible injury and roll on the Clash Incapacity table. Any injury (or worse) results in an additional Rout Point for the losing time. First team to score a number of Rout Points equal to the opponent's Power score is said to get the ball to the gal and wins.

I'm going with two English teams, since this mostly took place in England. Harrow is the Home Team while Acton is the Away Team (See what I did there?  Heh heh!). For Descriptors, I'll roll randomly on the Army table that comes with the Mass Combat rules. Then I'll use 1 Page CC for stats.

So let's do that now.

Acton:  Ruthless Problems, Persecute Enemies, Pursue Victory.

- Ruthlessly pressures opponents:  +1

- Treats opponents as mortal enemies:  +1  

- Relentlessly plays to win:  +3

Total Power:  +5.

Harrow:  Ceaseless Large, Start Tired, Large Trust.

- Large number of players:  +3.

- Low stamina:  -1.

- Teamwork:  +3.

Total Power:  +5.

So let's get started.

It was a sunny early morning in the town of Harrow. However, shops were closed, farms were mostly ignored, and the main road through town was empty as carriages parked either in stables or on the side of the road. Instead, a group of people gathered in the center of town. As some of them hung the town flag from a post at the far end of town, the rest stretched and awaited their opponents.

A few minutes later, more carriages and horses appeared, and a number of young men and rushed up, setting up their own post and flag while confronting the people of Harrow.

One young man, with short fiery red hair, got right into the face of the tallest Harrow player. "You Harrs are gonna get hurt today. We're spilling your blood all over the road."

The tall Harrow player's eyes went wide. "Calm down, this is only a game. Remember? We set these up to stay in shape in case we're invaded."

"The only shape you'll be in is a corpse," said the Acton player. "You challenged us, and now you'll pay with your lives."

The two teams positioned themselves on the line at the center of town, and one woman brought out the ball. Standing off to the side, she hurled the ball into the air, and it landed between the teams, who lunged forward for it.

First Clash:

(Clash)  Does Harrow win the Clash?  (50/50)  Yes.

- 1 Rout Point to Acton.

(Action)  "Move," "Careful."

The Acton players charged forward, but the Harrow team surrounded the ball, keeping it safe. They then moved forward like a human wall.

Second Clash:

(Clash)  Does Harrow in the Clash?  (+1 = Likely)  No.

- 1 RP to Harrow.

(Action)  Defiant, Simple.

Several Acton players darted through, using their shoulders to wedge past the wall. Catching the Harrow players by surprise, they snatched the ball.

(Clash)  Does Harrow win the Clash?  (50/50)  X-No.

- 2 RP to Harrow, for 3 total.

(Action) Disrupt, Break.

"Is that all you got, you twigs?" shouted an Acton player as he balled up his fist and smashed the jaw of a Harrow opponent. 

Several other Acton players began brawling with their foes, while two players rushed towards their goal.

(Clash)  Does Harrow win the Clash?  (-2 = Very Unlikely)  No.

(Action)  Helpful, Nice.

- 1 RP to Harrow for -4.

"Yeah, sorry about that," said the lead Acton player with a snicker. Holding the ball under his arm, he ran full speed to his goal. Only a few feet until they won.

(Clash)  Does Harrow win the Clash?  (-3 = Nearly Impossible)  Yes, Possible Injury to Away.

(Action)  Struggle, Frightening.

- 1 RP to Acton for -2.

(Incapacity)  Is the player Incapacitated?  (+3 -2 = +1 or Likely)  X-No.

Collectively roaring like prides of lions, the Harrow players burst forward, knocking the Acton player to the ground and snatching the ball. The player roll aside, avoiding the stampede, but he was clearly shaken.

(Clash)  Does Harrow win the Clash?  (-2 = Very Unlikely)  Yes.

(Action)  Fiercer, Careful.

- 1 RP to Acton for -3.

The tall Harrow player held the ball inside the grip of his enormous arms and dart back to his own goal. Reach his feet, the red headed Acton player chased after him.

(Clash)  Does Harrow win the Clash?  (-1 = Unlikely)  Yes, but barely.

(Action)  Antagonize, Nice.

-1 RP to Acton for -4.

The tall Harrow player dodged and faked his opponents, who fought to steal the ball from him. "So sorry. Strongest apologies. Oops, close one there."

(Clash)  Does Harrow win the Clash?  (50/50)  Yes.

(Action)  Loyal, Pleasures.

Acton reach 5 RP.

Harrow wins!

A dozen Harrow players surrounded their leader as he charged away from his opponents. Several Acton players did their best to break through, but the Harrow formed an impenetrable wall. With a smile on his face, the lead Harrow player ran at top speed and passed the goal line, giving his team the win. 

Spinning around, he hooted and hurled the ball back into the air.

The two teams met again in the center of the town. The lead Acton player got right back into the lead Harrow player's face. For several seconds, the two teams said nothing but exchange glares.

Then the red headed Acton player held out his hand. "Good game, friend."

The tall Harrow player accepted the hand. "Oh good, we're friends now?"

"Of course," said the Acton player, "until next time, anyway." He winked.

With a chuckle, the Harrow players invited their opponents to the tavern, where the two teams drank, laughed, and danced throughout the night.

At least until they tried to kill each other again, next time.

I'm glad the game went back and forth. It could've turned into a one-side slaughter quite easily. Now i'm debating on staying with English teams or going right in with Discworld locations, races, and characters.